Little Mono Update
Hi everyone,
Wanted to make a blogpost because enough folk have asked if everything is okay with me since I haven’t posted in a while.
The short of it is things just keep happening in my personal life this year that have worn me down to nothing. Just last week a grandparent died, and that was on the back of something else happening that really damaged me personally, and that’s on the back of everything else that has gone wrong this year (which is many incredibly painful things I won’t go into detail about).
Though a week ago this blogpost would have been about how I’m ready to quit writing (and frankly, life in general) and move back to Mexico, the reality is I am apparently a fighter (for better or worse). Writing will come soon (I hope; I’m just as desperate for Mono content as maybe some of you are), but the reality is I need to essentially focus on healing the damage this year has done to me. As much as I’ve fought it, it’s literally the only option. I can’t put my writing brain to work while my emotional/mental health brain is bleeding to death.
I’m okay now. My birthday is next week, and I just took a little vacation I’ve been planning for months that had several moments that reminded me I am still capable of being happy. So, right now, as I type this, I think I’ll be okay in time.
My current plan is to find a full-time job–not because freelancing didn’t work, but because I need to recognize right now I can’t rely on my writing. I’m trying to find a temp job that will tide me over for however long I need to be 100% good again, and then I want to give freelancing a second shot.
To those reading this, thank you as always for supporting me while I’m struggling. I hope this will end soon. I desperately wish for the arrival of the day when I wake up and things that hurt me don’t anymore. I miss writing, and I miss creating, and frankly, I just miss not having my every other thought be ‘what if I jump off a building?’.
I’m going to try and keep writing, now and even while I have my full-time job, if I have it, but I’ll have to ask you continue to be patient. Content will come slowly and haphazardly as I’m allowing myself to just work on whatever I have the energy for.
Thank you as always,
Always a reminder: Happy Mono is best Mono. Whatever needs to be done to achieve that is worth doing.
I’m glad you’re finding some light through all this. I’m sure you will find the rest and more soon enough ❤️
I wish you the best in everything. I understand that this year has been difficult, but I fully believe you have it in you to press on with life. You’re a good person, Mono.
Take any time you need
::hugs:: I’m so sorry things are so constantly hard.
Stubbornness is good. Stick around for the dumbest reasons, it’s the best way. A season of a show you like coming out later this summer? Stick around for that. An album release from a favourite musician? Stay for that. Fic ideas that you want to write but don’t have the energy for? Stay around so you can write them.
There’s always small reasons to keep coming back for another day, and until things get better emotionally, that’s something you can focus on. Those things are meaningful.
One of the crappy things that the human brain does is bias everything to its current emotional state. Your whole life and your future will feel like it’ll feel like it does right now, or that you’re only kidding yourself to think otherwise, but it’s factually untrue. Life changes. You can and will feel better, or different in a way that’s more manageable.
You’ve got your focus on the right thing, your mental health, so I know you’ll be okay. We’ll get more wonderful Mono stories in due time. Keep us updated as you’re able to how you’re doing.
This is a rough time for you and you need time to recover and heal. The writing can wait until you are in a better place emotionally. I think we all want to see you doing better first and foremost. I hope this second half of the year is much better and happier.
My experience with these low low times is that they don’t last. They might feel like they do at the moment but I just push on until I feel those little moments of reprieve start to show up. I become very present minded because that seems to help. Like if I see a nice flower for several seconds I just think about that flower. And I’m thankful for that flower even for only the few seconds it gave me.
Wishing you the best through all this.
take all the time you need Mono! Your health be it mental or physical should always come first, we can all wait as long as you need <3. hope you are staying safe and I wish you the best in these trying times
Always think at Twilight and Rarity in your Enchantment Series.
They never give up even if things go worse and worse.
Rarity has fight for Twilight and the other Princesses and alway she was successfull.
Be like Rarity and stay strong even if you think you can’t.
Maybe you should made some sort of Vacation.
Go under People, visit Places you like, Places who inspire you and let Dashy blow the Rainclouds away.
For me this help much, to go somewhere, not to sit at home all the time and let the Mind wander to much.
Freelancing is just working if you get enough Jobs.
Yust an Idea, but you could offer 20-100$ YCH Options for your Storys, where you offer Cameos of the Clients OC’s to appear in the Story.
This could give you some Support Money and more People are able to pay for it as just to offer individual Writing Jobs.
Heads up, you are a great Writer and I’m happy own the Books of enchanted Library and Kingdom.
I just have a few Books, but that Series is still my favorite Storyark and I hope to see the other Storys, like the Bodyguard Storys and maybe a Collection of Ministorys as Book as well.
I’m just happy you’re doing better. Stay hydrated, get something to eat and take care of yourself.
Oh hun,
Never apologize for doing what’s best for yourself. Folks love you and want you to be happy, not for you to churn stuff out.
Take your time.
Please take care of you first, Mono. We’re all here for you and always will be! *hugs*