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    Injuring Eternity + Last Train Home book available online!

    Hi all!
    Just wanted to give a heads up that the Injuring Eternity / The Last Train Home book is now up on Ponyfeather Publishing!

    It is a very pretty book, and I’m super happy with how it came out. If you get it, I hope you enjoy it! Ten years ago, when I first published IE, I would have never dreamed of it one day being a physical book, and now here it is. It means a lot to me, and I hope it will as well for those who buy it.

    As a note, I do not make any profit of these books! They’re sold at cost, so if you’d like to support me with the sale, feel free to leave me a tip on my ko-fi!



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    1. Shade-R
      Sep 7, '24 at 5:10 am


    2. Starfade53
      Sep 6, '24 at 10:47 pm

      I really wanna buy them but I’m afraid I’ll be caught by my roommates 😫

    3. ShadowLDrago
      Sep 6, '24 at 10:16 pm

      Very nice.

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