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    1. Random Guy
      Oct 27, '24 at 12:58 am

      hi mono, i saw this fanart on reddit and thought you would like it:

    2. Shaddar
      Oct 6, '24 at 10:40 am

      Hello Mono! If you still remember, last year I asked for permission to translate “The Enchanted Kingdom”, I am glad to inform you that the translation is finished! If it’s not difficult, then I ask you, as last time, to attach a link to the translation to the story 🙂


      And at the same time, I want to ask right away if it will be possible to take “The Enchanted Era” for translation?

      Thank you for your stories :3

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    4. Discoris
      Dec 23, '23 at 5:25 am

      Mono, merry Christmas and please take care in the next year. Everyone deserve the best

    5. Kyndra Morgan
      Nov 9, '23 at 6:05 pm


    6. Evgenii Shcherbakow
      Nov 2, '23 at 4:49 am

      Hello, Mono.
      Here are the links to the translated fics.

      Royal Decorations
      Королевские украшения
      Королевские украшения

      The Carousel

      Thanks a lot for Your work.

    7. Evgenii Shcherbakow
      Sep 5, '23 at 3:48 am

      Hello, Mono, GrandCat is here.
      Grimson Lips will be totally unponified or We will have the RariTwi version too? I really wanted to translate it.

      1. @Evgenii ShcherbakowSep 10, '23 at 10:10 pm

        Hi Grand!

        Crimson is currently being de-ponified, yes. I still don’t know exactly what’s going to happen to ponyversion, but it’ll stay up until I’m done with new crimson which won’t be FOR A WHILE, so feel free to translate the horse version, but I’d eventually need you to unpublish it when the original is ready to be sent to publishing houses. Just want to be transparent with you in case you don’t want your hard work to be eventually hidden like that :c

        1. Evgenii Shcherbakow
          @MonochromaticSep 24, '23 at 11:46 am

          No, I do not like to hide the work.

        2. Evgenii Shcherbakow
          @MonochromaticNov 1, '23 at 4:05 pm

          Hello, Mono. GrandCat is here again.

          I thought a little lately and… I do not think that Your de-ponified version of Grimson Lips will ever be sold in Russia. Especially untranslated – and the chance to appearance of the official translation is really minimal. Maybe the Russian fan translation of Your work will not cause any troubles and I would not have to unpublish it?

          Thanks a lot.

          1. @Evgenii ShcherbakowNov 1, '23 at 9:45 pm

            Hey Grand!

            You know, you’re probably right. Feel free to go ahead, and you don’t have to take it off when the time comes.

            1. Evgenii Shcherbakow
              @MonochromaticNov 2, '23 at 4:41 am

              And I have to find it somewhere because that story is not here nor on Fimfiction…

            2. @Evgenii ShcherbakowNov 3, '23 at 12:03 am

              Hey Grand!

              If the e-mail I’m seeing in your comments on my end is accurate and in use, I can send you a copy of it there!

            3. Evgenii Shcherbakow
              @MonochromaticNov 3, '23 at 4:06 pm

              It would be great but I do not think that Iwill start the translation anytime soon. I already have some big projects. But if You want – You could send the copy anytime. World needs some good pony words.

            4. Evgenii Shcherbakow
              @MonochromaticFeb 21, '24 at 6:37 am

              Good day. GrandCat is here.
              Could You, please, send me the Grimson Lips?

              Thanks a lot.

    8. Evgenii Shcherbakow
      Sep 2, '23 at 3:08 am

      Hello, Mono, GrandCat is here.
      Here are the links to the translations of the The Princess’ Vanishing Spider
      Исчезающий паук принцессы
      Исчезающий паук принцессы

      and the Diplomacy 101
      Основы дипломатии
      Основы дипломатии

      They are on different portals. Thanks a lot.

      1. @Evgenii ShcherbakowSep 10, '23 at 10:11 pm

        Thank you for translating, Grand! <3

        1. Evgenii Shcherbakow
          @MonochromaticNov 2, '23 at 4:52 am

          It looks here are the problems with the links. I made them wrong.

          The Princess’ Vanishing Spider
          Исчезающий паук принцессы
          Исчезающий паук принцессы

          Diplomacy 101
          Основы дипломатии
          Основы дипломатии

          Now they are right. Thanksa lot and sorry.

          1. @Evgenii ShcherbakowNov 3, '23 at 12:05 am

            Nothing to be sorry for! Thank you for translating and sharing them <3

    9. Comment has been marked as private.
    10. Evgenii Shcherbakow
      Jul 19, '23 at 11:09 am

      Hello, Mono, GrandCat is here.
      First, take all the time You need to recover – we all need You alive and kicking.
      Second, do the “Weary travellers on Kaelum” really canceled forever? I really wished I could finish translating that beautiful and bitter-sweet story.

      Last edited on Jul 19, '23 at 11:12 am.
      1. @Evgenii ShcherbakowJul 19, '23 at 10:08 pm

        Hi Grand!

        Thank you for the well wishes <3 And no, it isn't. I do want to finish it, but only when I am ready to properly get back into it!

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