154 Results with the "Romance" genre
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Drama (7)
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Science Fiction (1)
Sex (41)
Slice of Life (113)
Suicide / Self Harm (3)
TwiDash (1)
- Chapter
VIII. Piercing Fire I heard somewhere, sometime, that no two individuals can be together without breaking another’s heart. He was invaluable, to you and to me. Even now, even today, it is hard to consider our life together without him being a part of it. Even if he was a child, regardless of whether it was a mere crush or more, you cared so much about him—even at the cost of us. The train had been delayed, do you remember? Some unfortunate accident of the sort, a rockslide or engine…- 45.2 K • Oneshot
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V. The Humdrum of Routine It’s interesting how quickly one falls into routine, into patterns that are both familiar and novel, tacitly established as most things are. I never expected you to buy us coffee in the mornings, yet you always did. You never expected me to buy us tea at night, yet I always did. So many things begin silently, have you noticed? Or, rather, not silently so much as…there’s a word for it…unnoticed? That’s not quite it, but I can’t think of anything else.…- 45.2 K • Oneshot
- There are things in life one is prepared for. An expensive dress commission falling through? Aggravating, but manageable. An unexpected weekend sleepover featuring Sweetie Belle and her rowdiest friends? Nothing she couldn't take in stride. Carousel Boutique being set on fire? Really unfortunate, but one could rise above it with the right attitude. Your best friend, whom you meet nearly every day and tell all your secrets too, announcing she's in a committed relationship with an…
- 3.7 K • Oneshot
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Together we sang, I’m ready now
I. My dear Twilight Sparkle, I’d hoped to speak with you on the train to your Coronation. Or perhaps not. I’m not entirely sure what I would have said, too busy finishing your dress, too busy delicately pushing it all away. In truth, if the girls hadn’t come along, if things had gone as planned, I don’t believe I would have said a thing. I would have kept it a secret. And we know a thing or two about secrets, don't we, darling? This unspoken desire that started so long ago, on…- 11.3 K • Oneshot
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Theory and Practice
For as long as she could remember, Twilight Sparkle regretted never having kissed Sunset Shimmer. It was a thought that had always lived in her mind, buried for months and months until some silly little detail would force it to resurface, and she’d find herself thinking about her childhood crush, her childhood mistake, and the silly regret of never having taken the plunge. What if she had kissed Sunset at the train station? Or at the swings? How many kisses would they have shared if Twilight had…- 119.3 K • Completed
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The Woman
Dear friend. It has been a while, hasn’t it? Not for you, I imagine, for you know everything that ever was and ever will be, and yet… And yet here I am, telling you my story as if you don’t know it already. Then again, I suppose this is the nature of storytelling, isn’t it? Every story told we already know, yet we still yearn to hear it again and again, each time freshened up with a different coat of paint. But you seem upset, today, dear friend. I wonder why. Is it because I directly…- 119.3 K • Completed
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The Third Big Question
The third time Twilight Sparkle met with me—the same day as her second class with Sweetie Belle—the poor dear still had no idea what to make of me. “Here you are, Miss.” Even as the waiter handed her a glass of lemonade, she was unable to tear her eyes away from me. How rude, the waiter must have thought, when she only half-heartedly acknowledged him. Rude, rude, rude, but really, who could blame the poor dear? She was frustrated, you see. Frustrated by this woman-shaped enigma who…- 119.3 K • Completed
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