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      The Princess’s Gift

      The Princess’s Gift Cover
      by Monochromatic Princess Rarity had everything planned for her beloved bodyguard’s birthday. It would start with a lovely trip to Trottingham, continue into an entire day in Equestria’s oldest library, and culminate into a wonderfully romantic moment in the Ethereal Gardens. It would be Twilight’s best birthday yet!
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Comedy • Romance • Main 6 • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      Part I

      Part I Cover
      by Monochromatic Princess Rarity was planning the single most important birthday in all of the soon-to-be-hers kingdom of Equestria. No, it wasn’t her own birthday, for her own birthday would never ever ever be planned by her. It would be planned by the entire kingdom, would be attended by the entire kingdom, and would be the talk of the entire kingdom. Twilight Sparkle’s birthday, however, could not be interrupted by the entire kingdom. It wasn’t that she didn’t feel every mare, stallion, colt, and filly should…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Comedy • Romance • Applejack • Fluttershy • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      Part II

      Part II Cover
      by Monochromatic “That’s your commoner attire?” Standing inside the empty West Wing, Rarity chose to ignore the pegasus’s comment. Personally, she found nothing wrong with Twilight’s beautiful black silk cloak, a present Rarity had gotten her during their last trip to Saddle Arabia. The garment was simply divine, boasting several hoof-stitched white patterns depicting several constellations, and the bottom of the cloak itself was decorated with several small sapphires. Twilight, ungrateful as she was,…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Comedy • Romance • Applejack • Fluttershy • Pinkie Pie • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
    • Story

      Injuring Eternity

      Injuring Eternity Cover
      by Monochromatic Centuries after most of her friends have all passed away, Twilight decides to make one last trip into the past. No interacting, no greeting deceased friends, no reunion with her beloved marefriend. Just one quick glance at a life long lost. However, for better or worse, she’ll end up getting much, much more than that.
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Sad • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      1. Rewinding Time

      1. Rewinding Time Cover
      by Monochromatic Going back in time to see her friends one last time wasn’t a decision Twilight Sparkle took lightly. After all, it had taken a couple of centuries for her to finally fall into temptation, and then another entire century of studying and analyzing all the potential risks before she even dared consider embarking on the journey. How foolish she had been before, thinking that missing somepony was a thing one just stopped doing after a while — or centuries, in her case. Even during the night of the…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Sad • Main 6 • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      2. Dramatics and Confessions

      2. Dramatics and Confessions Cover
      by Monochromatic It was an unbreakable, unbendable and unavoidable law of the universe that, when Rarity called, Twilight Sparkle would always answer. And nothing could have prepared her for the wave of emotions that drowned her at seeing the unicorn again. She could only stare at her, completely at a loss for words. Rarity, a few feet away, looked at Twilight with her head tilted to the side. She looked nothing like how Twilight remembered her. She remembered an elderly pony with a grey mane tied in a bun, a…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Sad • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      3. Fortuna Favet Rarity

      3. Fortuna Favet Rarity Cover
      by Monochromatic Rarity was never one to arrive early to catch a train. No, she was the type of pony to spend hours packing, finishing barely in time to leave Carousel Boutique and arrive to the station fifteen minutes before departure time. That Friday, though, was a special occasion. For the first time in a very long time, Rarity hadn’t taken with her every single thing that came to mind, instead packing only the bare necessities. She had been too distracted by her thoughts to even bother with her usual…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Sad • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      4. Pandoras Speech

      4. Pandoras Speech Cover
      by Monochromatic The passing of time did not exist for Rarity the unicorn as she sat in Fortuna 3, listening with endless fascination to the many tales that Twilight weaved for her. For the past few hours, nothing existed except for her, the lavender mare and two cups of delicious hot chocolate. Taking a sip from her cup, Rarity learned that for almost a century, Twilight and Princess Luna had held yearly Nightmare Night tours of The Castle of the Two Sisters for the students in Ponyville. She had not been surprised…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Sad • Rarity • Twilight
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