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      Come What May

      Come What May Cover
      by Monochromatic No power on Earth could stop me. The carriage rushed through the city streets, the poor horses galloping for their lives and mine. I had to see her. I had to see her and somehow set things… not right, I suppose, but straight. Clear the air, and perhaps, if the Gods were good, hope for something more. Whereas Rainbow Dash was outside the carriage, flying beside the horses, Lady Luna and I were seated inside, the two of us silent as we sat directly across from each other. “How are you…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Celestia • Fluttershy • Luna • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
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      com·pli·cat·ed Cover
      by Monochromatic If Twilight knows anything, which she does, it’s that the perfect date requires the perfect list. Rarity, however, seems to have a different idea.
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rarity • Twilight
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      Colors of the Soul

      Colors of the Soul Cover
      by Monochromatic In a world where ponies see in grayscale until they meet their soulmates, finding your soulmate is a momentous occasion, where the special connection between you quite literally colors your life. When Twilight began dating Rarity, she didn’t mind that she couldn’t see in colors. Or, so she thought, until the day Rarity suddenly could.
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Romance • Cadance • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      Colors of the Soul

      Colors of the Soul Cover
      by Monochromatic ~ ⚫ ~ “Do you want to find your soulmate?” “I… I guess?” “You ‘guess’?” “Well, I mean, I want to see in colors, of course. Doesn’t everypony?” “Yes, of course, but… They’re your soulmate, Twilight. They’re the pony you’re meant to be with for the rest of your life… aren’t they?” “... I don’t know, Rarity. That’s what everypony says, but… Why are you asking about this? Don’t you want to find yours?” “... I don’t know…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Romance • Cadance • Rarity • Twilight
    • Story

      Chosen Birthday

      Chosen Birthday Cover
      by Monochromatic On a relatively pleasant day, Rarity comes to a TERRIBLE realization: she has no idea when Princess Twilight’s birthday is!
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • RariTwi • Romance • Slice of Life • Rarity • Twilight
    • Story

      Chocolate Milk

      Chocolate Milk Cover
      by Monochromatic In the single most important night of her life, Rainbow Dash decides she wants to swoop Rarity off her hooves by taking her to the bar, getting cozy, and doing everything she could to impress the unicorn. In other words, somehow accidentally ordering chocolate milk at a bar, served in the single most embarrassing glass ever.
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • The CMC
    • Chapter

      Chapter 3

      Chapter 3 Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight took a minute to readjust her thoughts. If memory served, Heart Haven went to the mall in chapter twelve, after which she met up with Charming who then proceeded to break her heart by choosing his upscale life over her. Classic star-crossed lover story, where the rich and handsome stallion buckles under his snobby parents's wishes. Despite the… slight turn of events, considering Rarity didn't go to see Charming, it seemed like the plot of the book was still in motion, and Rarity's heart…
      MLP:FiM • Comedy • Romance • Fluttershy • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
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      Chapter 2

      Chapter 2 Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight gawked at her. “What?” Rarity seemed a bit uncomfortable, but she turned to face Twilight and repeated, “you must have me confused. I don’t believe we’ve ever met.” Twilight couldn’t quite tell if she was joking or not, but judging by how serious the unicorn looked, she feared the latter might be the reality of the situation. Even more so, taking a closer look at Rarity, Twilight noticed her eyes were glazed over, as if under a… spell. “But… But it’s me!…
      MLP:FiM • Comedy • Romance • Rarity • Twilight
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