154 Results with the "Romance" genre
Action (1)
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Alt. Universe (100)
Comedy (51)
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Death (4)
Divergent Universe (1)
Drama (7)
Equestria Girls (2)
Fluff (2)
horror (1)
Human (45)
Humanized (1)
hurt/comfort (5)
Mature Themes (1)
RariDash (1)
RariTwi (19)
RariTwiDash (3)
Sad (16)
Science Fiction (1)
Sex (41)
Slice of Life (113)
Suicide / Self Harm (3)
TwiDash (1)
- Chapter
1. Rewinding Time
Going back in time to see her friends one last time wasn’t a decision Twilight Sparkle took lightly. After all, it had taken a couple of centuries for her to finally fall into temptation, and then another entire century of studying and analyzing all the potential risks before she even dared consider embarking on the journey. How foolish she had been before, thinking that missing somepony was a thing one just stopped doing after a while — or centuries, in her case. Even during the night of the…- 46.6 K • Oneshot
- Story
Our Illusion
Official visits to Trottingham tended to be anything but exciting for Princess Rarity. She’d spend the entire week stuck in her room, trying to somehow keep herself entertained while running away from the unwanted advances of the local nobles. Then again, what better way to add excitement to the trip than convincing her bodyguard to join her on an illicit exploration of the city?- 6.6 K • Nov 21, '21
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Meetings In Taverns
The tavern was nearly empty, the few quiet patrons still there casting shadows under the dimly lit lanterns floating along the ceiling. In the kitchen, the cook washed dishes, waiting for the next order, the next customer, keeping the place running rather than closing for the night and going home to an empty house. At the register, the waitress counted money, wondering when she'd earn enough to quit her second job and dreaming of moving out of her aunt's home to have a little garden of her own. Nothing…- 119.3 K • Completed
- Chapter
Our First Date
Twilight liked official visits to Trottingham city. Every so often, the King and Queen would send their eldest daughter to oversee the northern province for a few days. Truthfully, however, having Rarity go was merely a formality considering that Duke Fancy Pants, the king’s closest friend and advisor, would always be the one to actually do the overseeing. So, more often than not, Twilight would spend the entire week reading books inside Duke Trottingham’s castle while the Princess, well,…- 6.7 K • Completed
- Story
Your Own Worst Enemy
Princess Twilight and Rarity are dating. The other Rarity in Twilight’s life isn’t quite sure how she feels about any of this.- 3.7 K • Nov 21, '21
- There are things in life one is prepared for. An expensive dress commission falling through? Aggravating, but manageable. An unexpected weekend sleepover featuring Sweetie Belle and her rowdiest friends? Nothing she couldn't take in stride. Carousel Boutique being set on fire? Really unfortunate, but one could rise above it with the right attitude. Your best friend, whom you meet nearly every day and tell all your secrets too, announcing she's in a committed relationship with an…
- 3.7 K • Oneshot
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A Request [3/5]
She hadn’t meant to overhear. As a matter of fact, she wished with every fiber of her being, mind and soul that she hadn’t overheard because she’d still be blissfully unaware of the meaning of misery. It was like their words were some sort of lethal poison, not meant to kill the victim, but seep into their very being and bring neverending pain. “How about that young duke?” had said Rarity’s father in perfect flawless French; perfect French Twilight understood because she’d spent…- 14.9 K • Oneshot
- Story
Chocolate Milk
In the single most important night of her life, Rainbow Dash decides she wants to swoop Rarity off her hooves by taking her to the bar, getting cozy, and doing everything she could to impress the unicorn. In other words, somehow accidentally ordering chocolate milk at a bar, served in the single most embarrassing glass ever.- 7.4 K • Nov 30, '21
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