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    155 Results with the "Romance" genre

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      The Masquerade

      The Masquerade Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight takes her duties as Princess Rarity’s bodyguard seriously. She will follow her into battle, into long and tiresome meetings, and into the occasional ball. Unfortunately for her, it’s difficult to protect a princess in a sea of costumed ponies when you have no idea which one of them is the princess.
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Romance • Slice of Life • Fancy Pants • Fluttershy • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      Theory and Practice

      Theory and Practice Cover
      by Monochromatic For as long as she could remember, Twilight Sparkle regretted never having kissed Sunset Shimmer. It was a thought that had always lived in her mind, buried for months and months until some silly little detail would force it to resurface, and she’d find herself thinking about her childhood crush, her childhood mistake, and the silly regret of never having taken the plunge. What if she had kissed Sunset at the train station? Or at the swings? How many kisses would they have shared if Twilight had…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Sunset Shimmer • Twilight
    • Chapter

      The Third Big Question

      The Third Big Question Cover
      by Monochromatic The third time Twilight Sparkle met with me—the same day as her second class with Sweetie Belle—the poor dear still had no idea what to make of me. “Here you are, Miss.” Even as the waiter handed her a glass of lemonade, she was unable to tear her eyes away from me. How rude, the waiter must have thought, when she only half-heartedly acknowledged him. Rude, rude, rude, but really, who could blame the poor dear? She was frustrated, you see. Frustrated by this woman-shaped enigma who…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      The Masquerade

      The Masquerade Cover
      by Monochromatic It was common knowledge to ponies from all around that Princess Rarity was one of the most sought after mares in the land. How many mares and stallions of noble houses had tried in vain to steal her heart and all that came with it? More than the maids, butlers, and servants of the castle could count or even remember when day after day, month after month, dignitaries from all over returned to their lands with their tails between their hindlegs. Nopony knew what made it so difficult to woo the…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Romance • Slice of Life • Fancy Pants • Fluttershy • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
    • Story

      The Queen’s Secret Crush

      The Queen’s Secret Crush Cover
      by Monochromatic After Queen Rarity once more rejects the advances of one of the many noble ponies who seek her affection, Princess Sweetie Belle finds out that her sister is secretly in-love with somepony else, thus her heart-breaking streak. Alone in the throne room with her sister and the royal body guard, Twilight Sparkle, the young princess decides that she’s going to find out the identity of Rarity’s secret crush, no matter what.
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Romance • Slice of Life • Rarity • Sweetie Belle • Twilight
    • Chapter


      Shopping Cover
      by Monochromatic She waited two hours for me. Swinging under the moonlight, her feet kicking off the ground, every back and forth in rhythm with the seconds ticking by. Two long, bloody hours. We’d only been friends for, what, two months or so, maybe? Two measly months, and she waited two hours for me in the cold. She probably would have waited all night. A Sapphire session had gone on longer than I’d anticipated. I’d done my usual tactic of, shall we say, quietly exaggerating my performance so as…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • OC • Rarity • Rift Shield • Sunset Shimmer • Twilight
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      Living After Death

      Living After Death Cover
      by Monochromatic You have been a mostly wonderful audience. I say mostly if only because to say you are perfect would be to lie, and I rather think we are beyond that, you and I. Nothing in this world is perfect—not the sun, not the moon, not the stars and not even my beloved herself. Nevertheless, you have listened, you have spoken, and you have accompanied me as I’ve weaved together a tale that isn’t really a tale at all. A traditional story, you see, has a beginning, a middle and an end. This one…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Luna • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
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      Routine Company

      Routine Company Cover
      by Monochromatic After a long day working, Twilight realizes Rarity hasn’t come over to bother her at all, and honestly, that’s even more distracting than the actual act of distracting her.
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rarity • Twilight
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