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    100 Results with the "Alt. Universe" genre

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      đź‘„ Cover
      by Monochromatic — Twilight Sparkle had never been to the Sapphire Carousel before. In fact, to be precise, she’d only ever been to the Lunar District once: the day she came to my boutique to see me. Ever since she’d found out about Lady Luna’s establishment, as far back as that delightful dinner with Fluttershy and her mother, she’d never dared venture and see the place for herself. It had always felt… not dangerous, no, but forbidden. A place she could know about, but like any proper and decent individual,…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Celestia • Luna • Rarity • Twilight
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      Theory and Practice

      Theory and Practice Cover
      by Monochromatic — For as long as she could remember, Twilight Sparkle regretted never having kissed Sunset Shimmer. It was a thought that had always lived in her mind, buried for months and months until some silly little detail would force it to resurface, and she’d find herself thinking about her childhood crush, her childhood mistake, and the silly regret of never having taken the plunge. What if she had kissed Sunset at the train station? Or at the swings? How many kisses would they have shared if Twilight had…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Sunset Shimmer • Twilight
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      The Woman

      The Woman Cover
      by Monochromatic — Dear friend. It has been a while, hasn’t it? Not for you, I imagine, for you know everything that ever was and ever will be, and yet… And yet here I am, telling you my story as if you don’t know it already. Then again, I suppose this is the nature of storytelling, isn’t it? Every story told we already know, yet we still yearn to hear it again and again, each time freshened up with a different coat of paint. But you seem upset, today, dear friend. I wonder why. Is it because I directly…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Rarity
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      The Third Big Question

      The Third Big Question Cover
      by Monochromatic — The third time Twilight Sparkle met with me—the same day as her second class with Sweetie Belle—the poor dear still had no idea what to make of me. “Here you are, Miss.” Even as the waiter handed her a glass of lemonade, she was unable to tear her eyes away from me. How rude, the waiter must have thought, when she only half-heartedly acknowledged him. Rude, rude, rude, but really, who could blame the poor dear? She was frustrated, you see. Frustrated by this woman-shaped enigma who…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Rarity • Twilight
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      The Start of a Vacation

      The Start of a Vacation Cover
      by Monochromatic — One could say Rarity had faced many trials in her lifetime. She’d faced dragons, monsters, her own inner demons, and two chaos-possessed alicorns. In truth, after the last alicorn, she’d thought she’d earned a break. A vacation, if you will. The right to sit somewhere and relax, where the hardest choice she’d be confronted with was what flavor of tea she wanted in the morning. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Once again, against all odds, there she was, pitched against the most…
      MLP:FiM • Adventure • Alt. Universe • Romance • Cadance • Rarity • The CMC • Twilight
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      The Price Of A Mistake

      The Price Of A Mistake Cover
      by Monochromatic — Endings are difficult, aren’t they? They are perhaps the hardest part of anything ever done. Ending. Finishing. And why? Because endings can make or break a tale. They can determine if you’ll look back with fond memories, happy to have seen the journey through, or if you’ll look back with bitter disappointment, thinking to yourself that you wasted your time. I wonder, perhaps, if that’s why I lied to you earlier on. Do you remember? I sat before you one day—if days even exist in a place…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Human • Romance • Sex • Fluttershy • Luna • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Shimmer Glass • Twilight
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      The Meeting Outside Ponyville

      The Meeting Outside Ponyville Cover
      by Monochromatic — A crisp wind chilled Twilight Sparkle, her wings rustling at her side. Truthfully, she would have liked this meeting to happen inside Carousel Boutique, where she would be warm, but fitting a dragon inside there was, well, impossible.  So, there they all were instead—they being herself, Princess Luna and Cadance, Pinkie, Applejack, as well as Spike and Rainbow—all gathered in a prairie on the outskirts of Ponyville. Rarity had stayed back in the boutique to work, under the promise Twilight…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Romance • Cadance • Celestia • Luna • Main 6 • Rarity • Twilight
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      The Meeting [1/5]

      The Meeting [1/5] Cover
      by Monochromatic — The Grand Galloping Gala was the single most important event of the night, but Twilight always did… find it a bit boring after a while. With Princess Celestia off talking to some random nobles, Twilight herself had nopony to talk with really. She surveyed the area from atop the staircase, hoping to find somepony who looked like they needed help. A lot of nobles from neighbouring kingdoms usually attended the event, and she doubted very much that none of them needed some kind of assistance. Maybe a tour?…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Romance • Fluttershy • Rarity • Twilight
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