100 Results with the "Alt. Universe" genre
Action (1)
Adventure (12)
Comedy (51)
Crime (1)
Cyberpunk (1)
Dark (2)
Death (4)
Divergent Universe (1)
Drama (7)
Equestria Girls (2)
Fluff (2)
horror (1)
Human (45)
Humanized (1)
hurt/comfort (5)
Mature Themes (1)
RariDash (1)
RariTwi (19)
RariTwiDash (3)
Romance (154)
Sad (16)
Science Fiction (1)
Sex (41)
Slice of Life (113)
Suicide / Self Harm (3)
TwiDash (1)
- Chapter
It would be romantic to say that fate is in charge of us all. That it was destiny that Twilight Sparkle and I met, destiny we should find each other again. Certainly, I believed it then, but now? Now, as this part of my tale spins to an end, I think that’s not right. Falling in love was inevitable. But loving each other? Loving each other was a choice. That’s what love is, really. In all shapes and forms, it is a choice one has to make over and over again. The choice to love yourself, as…- 119.3 K • Completed
- Chapter
Sick Children
I fell gravely ill when I was thirteen. I almost died. I was in bed for several month, at least. Plagued by a disease my parents understood little, and I even less, so dazed by pain I could hardly understand the doctor explaining my condition to my parents and Lady Celestia. He said it would be a miracle if I survived. Would there be a plaque for me, too? 'Here lies little Rarity, taken to a better place by life's cruel disease. Died on a bed, not on a bench.' I don’t remember…- 119.3 K • Completed
- Dear friend. It has been a while, hasn't it? Or, at the very least, it certainly feels like it has for me. It certainly felt like it had for me, after that day. You do remember, do you not? Twilight Sparkle, who I loved like life itself, had ended our friendship, and in the days that followed, not much else mattered. Days felt like months to me, long and tortuous and as painful as the illness that plagued my heart. And my body. As such, I want to ask a favor of you. An indulgence,…
- 119.3 K • Completed
- Chapter
Twilight Sparkle had never been to the Sapphire Carousel before. In fact, to be precise, she’d only ever been to the Lunar District once: the day she came to my boutique to see me. Ever since she’d found out about Lady Luna’s establishment, as far back as that delightful dinner with Fluttershy and her mother, she’d never dared venture and see the place for herself. It had always felt… not dangerous, no, but forbidden. A place she could know about, but like any proper and decent individual,…- 119.3 K • Completed
- Chapter
The Bridge of Empty Promises
But let us move away from Shimmer Glass and my dearly beloved, watching this nearly-naked woman. Let us move away from that until the time is right, and go instead to a different time and a different place. A bridge. There we were, Twilight and I, leaning against the bridge filled with rusty locks and forgotten promises, a ritual she and I had yet to partake in. There we were, our hands dangling over both the edge and our future, and there I was, consumed by the thought that the moment would be…- 119.3 K • Completed
- Chapter
Shimmer Glass
It has been a while, dear friend, and it has been hard for me to find words to speak. So I hope you will bear with me as I talk, and talk, and talk until something makes sense. Once you and I have reached that point, we shall ignore all of this and cast it into the deepest corners of our memories, yes? I think I should start by asking you to forgive me as I take you somewhere else for a moment. A different time, a different place. I’m sure you’d like to know of the cabaret, and what Twilight…- 119.3 K • Completed
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On Goblins and Lies
If I had known… If I had known things would take that turn, that our relationship would fragment in such a way, I would have never allowed myself to be content with just one kiss. She always consumed my thoughts, this is painfully true, but it was not the same after that date at the café. Where once I saw a future, now I saw myself clutching the remains of a fading dream. Twilight Sparkle knew who I was, and it frightened me to realize it was my turn to find out exactly who she was.…- 119.3 K • Completed
- Chapter
Black Coffee
Darling, you really didn't think I’d leave you dangling off the edge like that? Don’t be silly. Whyever would I do that? It’s so much easier to simply push you off the cliff. There we were, she and I, sitting at a window table in the bar, each cradling distinctly non-alcoholic drinks. I’d offered to have our usual when we met up again weeks later, to have a cup of chocolate milk with spicy rum, but she refused. She wanted coffee, please. Black with no sugar. “My!…- 119.3 K • Completed
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