100 Results with the "Alt. Universe" genre
Action (1)
Adventure (12)
Comedy (51)
Crime (1)
Cyberpunk (1)
Dark (2)
Death (4)
Divergent Universe (1)
Drama (7)
Equestria Girls (2)
Fluff (2)
horror (1)
Human (45)
Humanized (1)
hurt/comfort (5)
Mature Themes (1)
RariDash (1)
RariTwi (19)
RariTwiDash (3)
Romance (154)
Sad (16)
Science Fiction (1)
Sex (41)
Slice of Life (113)
Suicide / Self Harm (3)
TwiDash (1)
- My lips glistened with a rather costly lipstick—my very own blood. It trickled down my mouth, down my chin and a droplet fell on her shirt. The noises around us faded from my mind. They became distant, so very distant, and all that mattered was her. Her, as she held me, and her, now stained with my life’s pulse liquefied. Her thin, weak arms of a scholar surrounded me, so different and distinct than those of the many men and women that had claimed my body before. The curtains fell. In the…
- 119.3 K • Completed
- Chapter
A Fancy Fleur
I wondered about her later that night, lying on the bed of one of the Carousel’s more expensive rooms, a thin silk bedsheet covering half my naked body as the tips of my fingers toyed with a pink crystal hanging from my neck. I wondered about my mysterious stranger and her gaze that had frightened and enraptured me, her strange equations and the haunting words she’d offered me. I wondered if perhaps she wondered about me too. “What are you thinking about, my dear?” I turned my gaze and…- 119.3 K • Completed
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The Holiday Dinner – Part II
Her eyes flickered briefly towards the window and the snowflakes pelting against it. It reminded her of her home in the north, and with a pang, she wished she were there. No one could really cheer her up like Shining Armor could. Well, maybe I could, but I had been the one to do the hurting, in this case. “Only Fluttershy is coming?” Though she likely did not mean it in that way, Lady Celestia’s question hung heavy in the heart of the woman seated on the other side of the Lady’s desk. It…- 119.3 K • Completed
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Come What May
No power on Earth could stop me. The carriage rushed through the city streets, the poor horses galloping for their lives and mine. I had to see her. I had to see her and somehow set things… not right, I suppose, but straight. Clear the air, and perhaps, if the Gods were good, hope for something more. Whereas Rainbow Dash was outside the carriage, flying beside the horses, Lady Luna and I were seated inside, the two of us silent as we sat directly across from each other. “How are you…- 119.3 K • Completed
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The Little Dragon
I heard somewhere, sometimes, that no two people can fall in love without breaking someone’s heart. I’ve debated how to tell this, dear friend. Surely you’ve noticed and know that I’ve very purposefully allowed this story to follow Twilight, not me or my beau. I figured you’d prefer that, considering how you scowl every time I mention Rift Shield’s name. We may not like it, but relationships end. Some burn out, some go out with a bang, and some simply fade away, piece by piece, in…- 119.3 K • Completed
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Strangers Passing By
I met him in the inner-city train station. It wasn’t anywhere romantic. It wasn’t at a park under the stars, nor was it at my favorite restaurant in the Dragon District, and it certainly wasn’t on a bench. It was eleven in the morning, I think. I’d just finished my monthly visit to the doctor and was on my way back, pushing my way into a crowded train. Admittedly, I was exhausted. I’d not slept well for weeks, and it was always around that time of the year that my illness reminded me of its…- 119.3 K • Completed
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Twilight Sparkle had never been to the Sapphire Carousel before. In fact, to be precise, she’d only ever been to the Lunar District once: the day she came to my boutique to see me. Ever since she’d found out about Lady Luna’s establishment, as far back as that delightful dinner with Fluttershy and her mother, she’d never dared venture and see the place for herself. It had always felt… not dangerous, no, but forbidden. A place she could know about, but like any proper and decent individual,…- 119.3 K • Completed
- Story
Reunited after days apart, Twilight is eager to share a quiet and intimate moment with Rarity. However, in order to do so, both must be willing to unveil their scars.- 7.7 K • Nov 30, '21
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