100 Results with the "Alt. Universe" genre
Action (1)
Adventure (12)
Comedy (51)
Crime (1)
Cyberpunk (1)
Dark (2)
Death (4)
Divergent Universe (1)
Drama (7)
Equestria Girls (2)
Fluff (2)
horror (1)
Human (45)
Humanized (1)
hurt/comfort (5)
Mature Themes (1)
RariDash (1)
RariTwi (19)
RariTwiDash (3)
Romance (154)
Sad (16)
Science Fiction (1)
Sex (41)
Slice of Life (113)
Suicide / Self Harm (3)
TwiDash (1)
- Chapter
Part II
“That’s your commoner attire?” Standing inside the empty West Wing, Rarity chose to ignore the pegasus’s comment. Personally, she found nothing wrong with Twilight’s beautiful black silk cloak, a present Rarity had gotten her during their last trip to Saddle Arabia. The garment was simply divine, boasting several hoof-stitched white patterns depicting several constellations, and the bottom of the cloak itself was decorated with several small sapphires. Twilight, ungrateful as she was,…- 15.9 K • Completed
- Chapter
The First Date
Rarity appreciated everypony. She did. Really. Except for right now. Right now, she really didn’t appreciate the gang of loud, rowdy princesses and ponies parading in and out her house as though it were some sort of circus. She had a dress to make. Several dresses, in fact, because she had a business to kick back into gear, so she’d overcommitted herself, but it was fine, because she’d surely get them done in time if she was just allowed a few hours of…- 25.1 K • Ongoing
- Chapter
It’s Always In Alleys
Rainbow Dash and Twilight Sparkle had been the best detectives in town for as long as it mattered. Which was from the second they’d got their start at the Celestial Private Detective Agency, obviously. All the detectives before they got there were good-for-nothings so screw ‘em. And yet. And yet, despite being a dynamic duo consisting of the coolest and smartest private eye ever and also Twilight Sparkle—who was cool and awesome in her own way—their career was in…- 1.6 K • Oneshot
- It’s easy to think about fairytales when you’re an ancient alicorn trapped in a library for centuries on end. It’s easy to wonder how one would go about rescuing you, to think and devise and plot out how to free you in a blaze of glory, intrigue, adventure, and romance. Or, rather, it’s easy until suddenly it happens and you’re forced to ask yourself the one terrifying question you’d yet to consider. Now what?
- 3.6 K • Mar 19, '22
- 6.7 K • Mar 19, '22
- 11.7 K • Mar 19, '22
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