100 Results with the "Alt. Universe" genre
Action (1)
Adventure (12)
Comedy (51)
Crime (1)
Cyberpunk (1)
Dark (2)
Death (4)
Divergent Universe (1)
Drama (7)
Equestria Girls (2)
Fluff (2)
horror (1)
Human (45)
Humanized (1)
hurt/comfort (5)
Mature Themes (1)
RariDash (1)
RariTwi (19)
RariTwiDash (3)
Romance (154)
Sad (16)
Science Fiction (1)
Sex (41)
Slice of Life (113)
Suicide / Self Harm (3)
TwiDash (1)
- Story
La Princesse
Diplomacy, foreign relations, cultural exchange, all important duties that Twilight needs to learn as a princess. Fortunately, this foray in to the unknown is made much easier when she meets a lovely foreign pony from the French Equestrian Kingdom who’s willing to be friends with her. Now, if only they could actually understand each other.- 3.9 K • Dec 8, '21
- 703 • Dec 8, '21
- 1.9 K • Dec 8, '21
- Chapter
The Meeting [1/5]
The Grand Galloping Gala was the single most important event of the night, but Twilight always did… find it a bit boring after a while. With Princess Celestia off talking to some random nobles, Twilight herself had nopony to talk with really. She surveyed the area from atop the staircase, hoping to find somepony who looked like they needed help. A lot of nobles from neighbouring kingdoms usually attended the event, and she doubted very much that none of them needed some kind of assistance. Maybe a tour?…- 14.9 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
The Lesson [2/5]
It was hard to learn French when Twilight’s mind kept wandering towards Rarity. It was hard to memorize verbs and conjugations when her heart was completely focused on making her remember instead the way the unicorn smiled, how she laughed, how she moved, how everything. Twilight was sure ‘rareté’ must mean perfection in French because that’s what she was. Twilight looked up towards one of the nearby library tables, and watched as Rarity listened to her personal tutor. The elder mare was…- 14.9 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
A Request [3/5]
She hadn’t meant to overhear. As a matter of fact, she wished with every fiber of her being, mind and soul that she hadn’t overheard because she’d still be blissfully unaware of the meaning of misery. It was like their words were some sort of lethal poison, not meant to kill the victim, but seep into their very being and bring neverending pain. “How about that young duke?” had said Rarity’s father in perfect flawless French; perfect French Twilight understood because she’d spent…- 14.9 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
A Different Name [4/5]
It was only a few months back that the highlight of Princess Twilight Sparkle's days would have been stargazing. With a few cushions, a good book and a pot of tea (or a thermos of hot cocoa, depending on the season), she passed the hours looking at the stars through her trusty telescope. It was more than once that Luna or Celestia found the youngest princess sleeping there, safely wrapped in a cocoon of her own magic to mark the safest place she knew. But with the changing political situation, something…- 14.9 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
Forever [5/5]
Twilight Sparkle was only twenty-one years old when her entire world crumbled before her. Rarity was leaving. She was leaving for good, back to her kingdom, back to her suitors, back to her life Twilight couldn't be a part of, so far away from Equestria and herself. Wasn't it curious? Wasn't it painfully amusing how things worked, how the wheels turned, how… How nearly a year she spent with a unicorn she could barely understand had felt so crystal clear, so right, so perfect… And wasn't it…- 14.9 K • Oneshot
- Story
The Princess’s Gift
Princess Rarity had everything planned for her beloved bodyguard’s birthday. It would start with a lovely trip to Trottingham, continue into an entire day in Equestria’s oldest library, and culminate into a wonderfully romantic moment in the Ethereal Gardens. It would be Twilight’s best birthday yet!- 7.4 K • Dec 8, '21
- 8.4 K • Dec 8, '21
- Chapter
Part I
Princess Rarity was planning the single most important birthday in all of the soon-to-be-hers kingdom of Equestria. No, it wasn’t her own birthday, for her own birthday would never ever ever be planned by her. It would be planned by the entire kingdom, would be attended by the entire kingdom, and would be the talk of the entire kingdom. Twilight Sparkle’s birthday, however, could not be interrupted by the entire kingdom. It wasn’t that she didn’t feel every mare, stallion, colt, and filly should…- 15.9 K • Completed
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