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    12 Results with the "Adventure" genre

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      Deadly and Beautiful – Bonus Chapter

      Deadly and Beautiful – Bonus Chapter Cover
      by Monochromatic In the late hours of the night, the majority of the castle’s inhabitants were fast asleep, save for a select few. Some of the cooks moved about in the kitchens, preparing the meals for the next day. The scholars stayed late in the library, preparing their speeches and essays to present to the king. A bodyguard—the finest bodyguard in the land—yawned and rubbed a hoof against her eyes, standing guard outside the bedroom of Equestria’s crown princess. In the distance, the clock tower chimed…
      MLP:FiM • Adventure • Alt. Universe • Romance • Rarity • Twilight
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      Deadly and Beautiful

      Deadly and Beautiful Cover
      by Monochromatic It had all started with the unusual request of a Saddle Arabian dignitary. The political air between the two kingdoms had been tense as of late, and the Duke had come to prove that relationship between the kingdoms was as good as ever. His visit to the Kingdom had just ended, however, and now he and his servant stood in the throne room before the young alicorn Princess and her bodyguard, which is why— “Princess Twilight,” he’d began, a shining smile on his lips. “May I be so bold and make…
      MLP:FiM • Adventure • Alt. Universe • Romance • Pinkie Pie • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
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      The Start of a Vacation

      The Start of a Vacation Cover
      by Monochromatic One could say Rarity had faced many trials in her lifetime. She’d faced dragons, monsters, her own inner demons, and two chaos-possessed alicorns. In truth, after the last alicorn, she’d thought she’d earned a break. A vacation, if you will. The right to sit somewhere and relax, where the hardest choice she’d be confronted with was what flavor of tea she wanted in the morning. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Once again, against all odds, there she was, pitched against the most…
      MLP:FiM • Adventure • Alt. Universe • Romance • Cadance • Rarity • The CMC • Twilight
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      A Change of Plan

      A Change of Plan Cover
      by Monochromatic It had been one week since Discord had awoken from his sleep, forty years since he’d gone to said sleep, over six hundred years since the deal had been struck, and a little over a thousand years since… Well, everypony knew that part, didn’t they? And it just so happened that today of all days was the day—or night, specifically. The one to remember! To celebrate! Where ponies of all ages played his game. Princess-Seeking Night. For this particular Seeking Night, he’d chosen to visit…
      MLP:FiM • Adventure • Alt. Universe • Romance • Discord • Sweetie Belle
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      A call for help

      A call for help Cover
      by Monochromatic ‘Twas the morning before Hearth’s Warming, when all through the town, ponies ran out, doing shopping they’d forgotten about. The chatter filled the air, and the laughing did as well, of mares and stallions, colts and fillies, preparing their day for a wonderful eve. A beautiful town this was. But we don’t care about this town. Well, not yet, at least! Our holiday story starts somewhere decidedly less pleasant. It starts in a snowstorm and with a poor little mailmare desperately…
      MLP:FiM • Adventure • Slice of Life • Daring Do • Derpy
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      The Flower of the North

      The Flower of the North Cover
      by Monochromatic A zebra, a stallion, and a manticore walked into a bar. The bar in question went by the name of Torramund and could be found in the small town bordering Eventide Isle. The decrepit yet inviting establishment had been home to many a drunkard throughout the years, and its elderly bartender had heard more secrets and confessions than most priests had in their entire lifetimes. The bartender, Tundra Leaf, was of zebra origins. Though she was born in Equestria, she had lived in the Undiscovered West most…
      MLP:FiM • Adventure • North Ridge
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