282 Results in the "MLP:FiM" fandom
- Story
The Creature
A monster haunts the forest, taking the dead and dying as tribute.- 10.9 K • Oct 31, '24
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The Class
Twilight was concerned, to say the least. She crossed the gravel streets with firm, quick steps, again clutching the outdated map Flint insisted on giving her every time she stepped out. Though she made an effort to smile and greet passersby, her brilliant mind was distracted by the very simple fact she hadn’t the faintest idea on how to give a class. How could she, when she had yet to receive one herself? This was the thought that hounded her, whispered in her ear until she turned right on…- 119.3 K • Completed
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The Carousel
The destination is often what many people know about, but it is often the journey that holds the memories for those involved. After an encounter with a hated rival during a festival she’d been looking forwards to all year, Rarity learns that sometimes her anger and pride blind her to what — or rather, who — is most important.- 5.9 K • Nov 21, '21
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The Bridge of Empty Promises
But let us move away from Shimmer Glass and my dearly beloved, watching this nearly-naked woman. Let us move away from that until the time is right, and go instead to a different time and a different place. A bridge. There we were, Twilight and I, leaning against the bridge filled with rusty locks and forgotten promises, a ritual she and I had yet to partake in. There we were, our hands dangling over both the edge and our future, and there I was, consumed by the thought that the moment would be…- 119.3 K • Completed
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The Awesome Library
Literally Enchanted Library but what if it was Dash who found the library instead of LAME QUEEN RA-RI-TY- 1.8 K • Apr 4, '23
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The Art of the Blade
It’s one thing to have a bodyguard as beautiful as she is deadly. It’s another thing entirely to be hopelessly in love with her.- 11.3 K • Dec 8, '21
- 1.3 K • Dec 8, '21
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The Art of Polite Conversation
Twilight Sparkle once told me, I don’t remember when or where, that every essay she did went through at least four drafts. I remember laughing at that. Four drafts? What effort! I only ever go through one or two designs for my dresses; maybe three if I’m feeling particularly perfectionist. Well. I understand her now as I sit here after having gone through more versions of this tale than I would like to admit. Isn’t it ever so frustrating when things don’t work out the first time around?…- 119.3 K • Completed
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