282 Results in the "MLP:FiM" fandom
- It’s easy to think about fairytales when you’re an ancient alicorn trapped in a library for centuries on end. It’s easy to wonder how one would go about rescuing you, to think and devise and plot out how to free you in a blaze of glory, intrigue, adventure, and romance. Or, rather, it’s easy until suddenly it happens and you’re forced to ask yourself the one terrifying question you’d yet to consider. Now what?
- 3.6 K • Mar 19, '22
- 6.7 K • Mar 19, '22
- 11.7 K • Mar 19, '22
- Everypony enjoys myths and ponytales, even if they know such things aren’t real. Alicorns fighting against a spirit of chaos? An ancient princess trapped in a library under a tree, waiting to be found? Quite enchanting and fantastic tales yes, but nonetheless as fictional as Daring Do and other such stories. At least, that’s what Rarity used to think. She doesn’t Anymore.
- 10.1 K • Mar 17, '22
- 694 • Mar 17, '22
- 7.2 K • Mar 17, '22
- You've got it allYou lost your mind in the soundThere's so much more, you can reclaim your crownYou're in controlRid of the monsters inside your headPut all your faults to bedYou can be King again. ~ King by Lauren Aquilina Deep in the Everfree Forest, past the timberwolves and the thorn bushes, past the overgrown houses and the numbered trees that glowed when nighttime arrived, was an ancient oak sitting in the midst of a perfectly circular hole. To any pony passing by,…
- 352.1 K • Completed
- Carousel Boutique had never looked emptier and, in fact, it had never been emptier. Most of her things had already been carted away, taken to the train that would lead her to a new life away from Ponyville. Away from her family. Away from the Everfree Forest, and away from… her. “Rarity… I don’t want you to go…” Trotting out of Carousel Boutique, Rarity stopped and embraced the little filly trailing behind her, whose hot tears stained her elder sister’s coat. Pinkie Pie was…
- 352.1 K • Completed
- The days went by faster than Rarity had expected, and soon enough she found herself hours away from her trip to Canterlot. Was it some sort of aftermath of her time spent cursed? Or was it because days without Twilight felt endless compared to those with her? Rarity had barely left the library since her return to Ponyville. Spike had not spoken with Twilight again, as he’d gone back to Smoky Mountain to retrieve all his many possessions and bring them to his new permanent home. Thankfully, like…
- 352.1 K • Completed
- Everything felt like a blur. Somepony escorted her out. Was it Rift? Another one of the guards? She didn’t remember, and she didn’t much care. It felt very much like her entire world had shifted, but not like it had when she met Twilight. There was no sense of wonder and excitement to the discovery she’d just made. There was just horror. Horror at realizing just how deep the rabbit hole went. A glass of water was set in front of her on the table. She looked up and she saw Rift Shield, a…
- 352.1 K • Completed
- “Pinkie, you’re positive you’ll be fine without me?” Seeking Night would grace Hollow Shades in about a week, which gave Rarity and Pinkie only about that long to bring the tentatively named Princess Luna Confidence Project, a very long-term plan to slowly but surely combat the chaos magic plaguing Hollow Shades, to fruition. Their current base of operations, also known as Professor Awe’s house, was filled with presents of all kinds: teddy bears, toy cars, dolls,…
- 352.1 K • Completed
- It was strange that, for once, Rarity was the one impatiently waiting for somepony else at the train station. A large cup of coffee floated beside her, which she’d bought on account of not sleeping since her reunion with Spike a few hours back. Then again, it wasn’t as though she really needed the coffee, since she felt very much awake. She’d had a busy early morning, after all: going to Cheerilee’s house and insisting that Scootaloo, Sweetie, and Apple Bloom were needed at home due to…
- 352.1 K • Completed
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