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    End of Year Drabble-A-Thon

    Hi everyone!

    I was going to make a blogpost apologizing for not writing this year because this year was the worst of my life, and I had to basically spend a year doing the most brutal, hardest metaphorical spring cleaning I’ve ever done of my Entire Self.

    But then I realized, actually, I don’t want to do that, and instead I want to do something fun!

    So, for however long I have energy today, I encourage y’all to leave little drabble prompts in the comments, and I’ll reply to them with a short drabble or conversation or something. I’m going to answer as many as I can, but I’d like to selfishly request the prompts be kept to stuff you know I’m familiar with.

    Things I encourage:

    – RariTwi
    – Last Resort
    – If ships, I encourage intramane six ships, or ships you know I’m familiar with
    – if not romance, then go wild but I will admittedly struggle with background characters
    – if you ask for student six or G5 ponies, I can try and fulfill them but they WILL be wildly OOC

    Please try and keep it to prompt that can be feasibly done in a drabble, unless you’re happy with… a snippet lol or a conversation?

    So yeah!


    1. Del
      Dec 10, '23 at 8:53 pm

      Sunset Shimmer comes through the portal to chat with Princess Twilight muzzle-to-muzzle, only to be greeted by the most beautiful unicorn she’s seen since looking in a non-magical mirror.

    2. Olden Bronie
      Dec 10, '23 at 6:27 pm

      You deserve all the happiness, Mono and I hope you know we’re all here for you.
      It might be fun to have Twilight refer to Rarity as her little marshmallow and see how Rarity responds.

    3. One_Happy_Tanker (Cruiser 25)
      Dec 10, '23 at 6:04 pm

      Hi Mono! Happy Holidays!

      How about a cute FlutterTwi au of them being gardeners? Or a Raripie prompt about them putting on a comedy show.

    4. Peppermint Snow
      Dec 10, '23 at 5:53 pm

      Sorry life has been coming at you hard, I hope the rest of December can be more restful and calm. It’s Trixie’s first hearths warming since marrying Celestia and she has no idea what to get her! So she goes and asks her favorite step daughter.

    5. Kits
      Dec 10, '23 at 5:06 pm

      Rarity is the best at romance, and can see the signs of it blooming before even the ponies themselves see it. So why in Celestia’s name won’t Rainbow and Twilight take the hints.

      Fluttershy nods her head and silently thinks rarity has finally gone insane.

      1. @KitsDec 10, '23 at 5:30 pm

        “Fluttershy, darling, I’m never wrong.”

        Fluttershy blinked at Rarity. “Twilight… and Rainbow Dash…” she repeated, slowly.

        “The signs are all there!” Rarity insisted, methodically stirring her tea, her eyes half-lidded as if she was just revealing a damning, scandalous secret. “It’s only a matter of time!”

        Fluttershy’s mouth opened. Then closed. Then opened. “Uhm… We’ve only known Twilight for a month, Rarity.”

        Rarity theatrically rolled her eyes. “You’ll see. Mark my words, you’ll remember this conversation in a few years. I’m /never/ wrong.”

        “If you say so, Rarity…”


        “Alright, everypony,” Twilight said, a nervous twinge to her voice as she looked at her friends. “I’m sure you’re wondering why you’re all here today.”

        “Everythin’ alright, sugarcube?” Applejack asked, her brow furrowing with concern. “Did you get a letter from the Princess?”

        “Oh, uh, n-no,” Twilight replied, taking steading breaths. “It’s just… Well… This is a big deal, and… well, I—”

        “Oh my GOSH! I can’t take this anymore!” Rainbow exploded. She looked at the rest of her friends squarely in the eyes. “Twilight and I are dating! There!” With that, she slumped back on her seat and and looked at Twilight. “See? Easy-peasy.”

        There was a second of silence. And then another, and there would have been a third if Rarity didn’t loudly get up and look at Fluttershy.

        “Mark my words, I said!” she exclaimed, thriumphantly. “Mark. My. Words!”

        1. Kits
          @MonochromaticDec 11, '23 at 3:06 pm

          And she wasn’t wrong! :3

          Except about all the times she will be. Because there’s no way that Twilight’s nemesis-come-friend who lives in an alternate reality was flirting with her right?

    6. AFanaticRabbit (Ashley)
      Dec 10, '23 at 4:44 pm

      You’re doing Wonderful Mono, even through the hardest struggles <3

      Baking RariTwi and flour on snoots for heightened diabetes.

      1. @AFanaticRabbit (Ashley)Dec 10, '23 at 5:12 pm

        The silence was deafening, Rarity and Twilight staring at each other, flour covered unicorn to flour covered alicorn.

        “I don’t need glasses,” Twilight said, curt. “I don’t!”

        Rarity stared.

        “I don’t!” Twilight insisted, stamping her hoof on the floor, a plume of flour puffing up into the air.

        “Darling, I’m just baffled,” Rarity replied. “A simple bread making recipe asks for twenty cups of flour, and you… you just accepted that? You didn’t even question it?”

        “It was what the RECIPE said, so I was FOLLOWING it.”

        “It said two cups, Twilight.”

        “Okay, well, why didn’t YOU stop me after the fifth cup, huh?!”

        “No, no, no, don’t you dare turn this on me, Twilight Sparkle!”

        1. AFanaticRabbit (Ashley)
          @MonochromaticDec 12, '23 at 11:49 am

          …New headcanon accepted.

          Thank you, Mono!

    7. Ferret
      Dec 10, '23 at 4:42 pm

      Oh Mono, I wish things would get easier for you, cuz goodness knows you deserve it.

      As for a cute prompt, how about Rarity and Twi go out on a chilly day and share a scarf? Something cozy and hopefully easy n_n

      1. @FerretDec 10, '23 at 5:06 pm

        This is a great prompt because I’m sitting at a cafe freezing

        Watching the snow fall down, Twilight Sparkle thought to herself this was perhaps the most exhausting year she’d gone through. She’d never expected reigning to be an easy matter, and she knew it was silly of her to feel a little sorry for herself considering the wonderful friends and partner she had, but…

        She was tired. It would be nice if for a few months maybe… things would be all right? Just for a few months?

        Breathe, Twilight thought to herself, closing her eyes and letting the snowflakes fall on her, and the cold send a shiver down her spine, reminding her she was still alive and breathing and okay. In and out. In and out. In and—

        Her eyes opened when something warm wrapped itself around her neck, and looking down revealed the object to be a long, cozy scarf. This was followed in short order by a water-proof pillow plopping itself down next to her, which itself was promptly occupied by her favorite unicorn.

        “I’d usually insist you come inside before you catch a cold,” Rarity noted, snuggling up to the alicorn.

        “So instead we’ll both catch a cold?” Twilight teased, wrapping her wing around her partner.

        “I suppose we shall!” she replied, and Twilight laughed, closing her eyes and enjoying the moment.

        Breathe. In and out. In an out.

        1. Ferret
          @MonochromaticDec 11, '23 at 11:00 am

          Oh my heaarrrtttt

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