163 Results with character "Twilight"
Ambris Knot (9)
Amethyst Sparkle (1)
Applejack (8)
Bender B. Rodriguez (1)
Big Macintosh (3)
Cadance (6)
Celestia (25)
Daring Do (14)
Derpy (2)
Discord (5)
Fancy Pants (5)
Fleur de Lis (2)
Fluttershy (25)
Incantation (1)
Lavender Sparkle (1)
Lenore (TLR) (1)
Luna (28)
Main 6 (20)
Main 7 (EQG) (2)
Mayor Mare (2)
Mister Bones (1)
Night Light (1)
North Ridge (2)
OC (16)
Pinkie Pie (17)
Pinkie Pie (EQG) (6)
Rainbow Dash (29)
Rainbow Dash (EQG) (6)
Ramona Mondragon (1)
Rarity (166)
Rarity (EQG) (6)
Rift Shield (3)
Shimmer Glass (3)
Shining Armor (3)
Sophia Majorelle (2)
Sophie (TLR) (1)
Spike (5)
Starswirl (2)
Sunset Shimmer (6)
Sweetie Belle (12)
The CMC (5)
Trixie Lullamoon (3)
Turanga Leela (1)
Twilight (EQG) (2)
Twilight Velvet (3)
- Chapter
Empty Cups and Empty Chairs
It is rather simple to deduce what’s missing based on what’s been left behind. A second toothbrush in the bathroom of an old woman’s apartment. A baby’s bib and other such things hidden away in the closet of a quiet couple with sad eyes. A jewelry box under the bed of the local lady’s man, and a dusty engagement ring beneath it. A bracelet hanging on the doorknob of a locked door. In the few days Twilight had been living in Lady Celestia’s mansion, she had… not seen things, no,…- 119.3 K • Completed
- My lips glistened with a rather costly lipstick—my very own blood. It trickled down my mouth, down my chin and a droplet fell on her shirt. The noises around us faded from my mind. They became distant, so very distant, and all that mattered was her. Her, as she held me, and her, now stained with my life’s pulse liquefied. Her thin, weak arms of a scholar surrounded me, so different and distinct than those of the many men and women that had claimed my body before. The curtains fell. In the…
- 119.3 K • Completed
- Story
Diplomacy 101
Rarity has a plan, as flawless and beautiful and as perfect as she is: The sovereign Mi Amore Cadenza has planned a visit, and with it an opportunity to capture her heart. There’s only one small problem with this plan.- 9.3 K • Jan 25, '23
- Story
Perpendicular Curves
Twilight offers Rarity a book. Rarity really wishes she’d turned it down.- 1.2 K • Jan 16, '23
- Story
20/20 Eyesight
Twilight Sparkle has to grapple with the awful fact that the only reason she didn’t know Princess Rarity was practically blind is because glasses apparently aren’t fashionable.- 1.1 K • Dec 13, '22
- Story
The Strange Visitor
A strange woman visits Rarity’s boutique every other day at the exact same time without ever buying anything. Well, today, Rarity intends to change that.- 1.2 K • Nov 29, '22
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