163 Results with character "Twilight"
Ambris Knot (9)
Amethyst Sparkle (1)
Applejack (8)
Bender B. Rodriguez (1)
Big Macintosh (3)
Cadance (6)
Celestia (25)
Daring Do (14)
Derpy (2)
Discord (5)
Fancy Pants (5)
Fleur de Lis (2)
Fluttershy (25)
Incantation (1)
Lavender Sparkle (1)
Lenore (TLR) (1)
Luna (28)
Main 6 (20)
Main 7 (EQG) (2)
Mayor Mare (2)
Mister Bones (1)
Night Light (1)
North Ridge (2)
OC (16)
Pinkie Pie (17)
Pinkie Pie (EQG) (6)
Rainbow Dash (29)
Rainbow Dash (EQG) (6)
Ramona Mondragon (1)
Rarity (166)
Rarity (EQG) (6)
Rift Shield (3)
Shimmer Glass (3)
Shining Armor (3)
Sophia Majorelle (2)
Sophie (TLR) (1)
Spike (5)
Starswirl (2)
Sunset Shimmer (6)
Sweetie Belle (12)
The CMC (5)
Trixie Lullamoon (3)
Turanga Leela (1)
Twilight (EQG) (2)
Twilight Velvet (3)
- Chapter
And Perfect Makes Practice?
Twilight Sparkle was having a hard time processing the statement. “You what?” From the other side of the room, Rarity looked up from the dress she was working on and found her marefriend staring at her with bewildered eyes. "I can't believe Rainbow Dash told you that I was nervous at the idea of asking you out." "No, the other thing." She blinked once, twice, thrice. “Oh. That yes, it's true. I even remember practicing how to ask you out in front of a mirror,” she repeated…- 1.2 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
All Writers Love Tuberculosis
You’ll have to forgive me, dear friend, as I start today’s meeting with completely unrelated thoughts on death and stories. I’ve been thinking about death a lot. Surely you must be thinking, “how could you not? Here of all places,” but in truth, death has always fascinated me, even in life. I recall a conversation I’d had at the Sapphire once, a month or so after I’d made it my permanent home. I was nineteen at the time, I believe. To say that first month was hard would be an…- 119.3 K • Completed
- Story
A Song For Us
Throughout their relationship, Twilight had come to accept that sometimes Rarity got emotional and no power in Equestria could stop her. She just wished the unicorn wouldn’t decide to do so when she was busy working on a research paper for Princess Celestia.- 2.9 K • Nov 21, '21
- Chapter
A short story.
This is a happy story. It was a rainy autumn day when I told Twilight Sparkle I loved her. I believe it happened about a year before she became an alicorn. We’d been having dinner at a restaurant in Canterlot, and after a wonderfully expensive dessert, I told her and she refused to believe me. “Really?” she’d asked me, stunned, flustered, delighted. She was so stunned, this silly little scholar who’d assumed I’d never be romantically interested in a bookworm who knew about many…- 2.3 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
A Request [3/5]
She hadn’t meant to overhear. As a matter of fact, she wished with every fiber of her being, mind and soul that she hadn’t overheard because she’d still be blissfully unaware of the meaning of misery. It was like their words were some sort of lethal poison, not meant to kill the victim, but seep into their very being and bring neverending pain. “How about that young duke?” had said Rarity’s father in perfect flawless French; perfect French Twilight understood because she’d spent…- 14.9 K • Oneshot
- Story
A Novel Disaster
When Twilight Sparkle acquired the Power Pony comic-book spell, she thought all her bookworm dreams had come true. Sadly, her plans to live through every Daring Do novel are cut short when Rarity asks they try a romance novel.- 3.8 K • Dec 8, '21
- 4.4 K • Dec 8, '21
- 4.4 K • Dec 8, '21
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