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    29 Results with character "Rainbow Dash"

    • Story

      The Art of the Blade

      The Art of the Blade Cover
      by Monochromatic It’s one thing to have a bodyguard as beautiful as she is deadly. It’s another thing entirely to be hopelessly in love with her.
      MLP:FiM • Adventure • Alt. Universe • Romance • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      Chapter 3

      Chapter 3 Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight took a minute to readjust her thoughts. If memory served, Heart Haven went to the mall in chapter twelve, after which she met up with Charming who then proceeded to break her heart by choosing his upscale life over her. Classic star-crossed lover story, where the rich and handsome stallion buckles under his snobby parents's wishes. Despite the… slight turn of events, considering Rarity didn't go to see Charming, it seemed like the plot of the book was still in motion, and Rarity's heart…
      MLP:FiM • Comedy • Romance • Fluttershy • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      Chapter 1

      Chapter 1 Cover
      by Monochromatic Canterlot Castle had always been a beautiful sight to behold, and on evenings like this one, it was even more so. Many hundreds of paper lanterns and streamers decorated the ballroom and the gardens beyond it; and none were more impressed than the three young fillies running around and screeching about everything they saw. Rainbow Dash smiled and shook her head while she watched Scootaloo’s wings buzz like miniature flies. However fun it was to see her and the other fillies gawking at pretty lights…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • The CMC
    • Story

      Chocolate Milk

      Chocolate Milk Cover
      by Monochromatic In the single most important night of her life, Rainbow Dash decides she wants to swoop Rarity off her hooves by taking her to the bar, getting cozy, and doing everything she could to impress the unicorn. In other words, somehow accidentally ordering chocolate milk at a bar, served in the single most embarrassing glass ever.
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • The CMC
    • Chapter

      The Masquerade

      The Masquerade Cover
      by Monochromatic It was common knowledge to ponies from all around that Princess Rarity was one of the most sought after mares in the land. How many mares and stallions of noble houses had tried in vain to steal her heart and all that came with it? More than the maids, butlers, and servants of the castle could count or even remember when day after day, month after month, dignitaries from all over returned to their lands with their tails between their hindlegs. Nopony knew what made it so difficult to woo the…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Romance • Slice of Life • Fancy Pants • Fluttershy • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      Chapter 1

      Chapter 1 Cover
      by Monochromatic “If your life was a book, what would it be about?” It was lucky that Ponyville’s streets were empty, or else Rarity wouldn't have heard Twilight’s voice. She’d barely slept the previous night, staying up until six in the morning working on an order for a client, so her drowsy mind still had trouble processing sounds. It certainly didn’t help that it was a particularly chilly morning, and her scarf was doing absolutely nothing to alleviate the cold. Twilight had stopped in front of a wall,…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
    • Story

      Autobiography for Twilight

      Autobiography for Twilight Cover
      by Monochromatic Mayor Mare launched a project inviting ponies to write their autobiographies for storage in the Castle’s Library. However, despite her thrilling life, Rarity simply didn’t have the time to sit down and write her autobiography, no matter how badly Twilight wanted her to do it. Then again, she wasn’t all that good at not catering to the alicorn’s every adorable whim.
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      I can only live where there is light, but I die if the light shines on me.

      I can only live where there is light, but I die if the light shines on me. Cover
      by Monochromatic Most everypony knew what manner of creature Princess Twilight Sparkle was. The Sphinx king and queen of Saddle Arabia had tried for many years to keep it quiet, keep it hidden, this disgraceful tarnish in their otherwise pristine reputation, but everypony knew their daughter, Princess Twilight Sparkle, was an illegitimate child—and a half-breed, at that. The product of an affair between the king himself and an equestrian chamber maid. And now she was to be a ruler of Equestria. "I don't think…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Romance • Fluttershy • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
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