20 Results with character "Main 6"
Ambris Knot (9)
Amethyst Sparkle (1)
Applejack (8)
Bender B. Rodriguez (1)
Big Macintosh (3)
Cadance (6)
Celestia (25)
Daring Do (14)
Derpy (2)
Discord (5)
Fancy Pants (5)
Fleur de Lis (2)
Fluttershy (25)
Incantation (1)
Lavender Sparkle (1)
Lenore (TLR) (1)
Luna (28)
Main 7 (EQG) (2)
Mayor Mare (2)
Mister Bones (1)
Night Light (1)
North Ridge (2)
OC (16)
Pinkie Pie (17)
Pinkie Pie (EQG) (6)
Rainbow Dash (29)
Rainbow Dash (EQG) (6)
Ramona Mondragon (1)
Rarity (166)
Rarity (EQG) (6)
Rift Shield (3)
Shimmer Glass (3)
Shining Armor (3)
Sophia Majorelle (2)
Sophie (TLR) (1)
Spike (5)
Starswirl (2)
Sunset Shimmer (6)
Sweetie Belle (12)
The CMC (5)
Trixie Lullamoon (3)
Turanga Leela (1)
Twilight (163)
Twilight (EQG) (2)
Twilight Velvet (3)
- Once upon a time, there was a mare who did not believe in fairytales, and a very different mare who did not believe in herself. Their lives intertwined, weaving together a fairytale like no other, filled with chaos and love, friends and enemies, adventures and tragedies. A fairytale they felt would last forever. But it couldn\’t.
- 2.2 K • Dec 8, '21
- 2.5 K • Dec 8, '21
- 9.0 K • Dec 17, '21
- Chapter
Take two, darling
One might say Rarity liked to stare at Twilight Sparkle. One might also be incorrect. Rarity the unicorn never stared, thank you very much. She was a lady. She admired and appreciated the immense beauty of her beloved, just as she happened to be doing at that very same moment. When she giggled, Twilight looked up from her book and towards her. “Huh? Did you say something?” “No,” Rarity said. She quickly changed her mind. “Well. Yes, I suppose. I…- 12.0 K • Oneshot
- Story
Twilight Sparkle regrets botching her romantic confession to Rarity. As a joke, Rarity proposes a simple and elegant solution: break up and try it again. She just wasn’t prepared for Twilight to agree to it.- 11.9 K • Nov 30, '21
- Chapter
Together we sang, I’m ready now
I. My dear Twilight Sparkle, I’d hoped to speak with you on the train to your Coronation. Or perhaps not. I’m not entirely sure what I would have said, too busy finishing your dress, too busy delicately pushing it all away. In truth, if the girls hadn’t come along, if things had gone as planned, I don’t believe I would have said a thing. I would have kept it a secret. And we know a thing or two about secrets, don't we, darling? This unspoken desire that started so long ago, on…- 11.3 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
Not On My Watch
“I’m nervous.” Rarity looked up from her makeup bag and towards the flustered Twilight Sparkle, who was only thirty minutes away from leaving Carousel Boutique and trotting off to her date. It wasn’t often that Twilight asked somepony out on a date, and as such, Rarity had decided that she simply had to intervene. After all, as Twilight's most fabulously fashionable friend, it was her celestial duty to aid the poor unicorn. “Nervous? Don’t be silly,” she replied, looking…- 4.6 K • Oneshot
- Story
The Unexpected Date
If there was something that broke Rarity’s heart more than seeing her best friend getting stood up, it was seeing Twilight go back to the library with a matching broken heart. Luckily for Twilight, Rarity would be damned if she let that happen.- 4.5 K • Nov 21, '21
- Chapter
Something isn’t right.
“I have to admit this is kinda weird,” Twilight Sparkle said, readjusting herself on the picnic mat for the umptenth time, offering an awkward smile at… well, herself. It had been several hours already since she’d met her counterpart, but she felt she’d never get used to it. “But it is fascinating, though! Why do you think you need glasses and I don’t?” Twilight, the human one, laughed timidly, adjusting said glasses. “I don’t know? Maybe it has to do with our… er… natural forms,…- 1.5 K • Oneshot
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