14 Results with character "Daring Do"
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I. The Unrequited Race
Ambris Knot had a strange name. Well, not a strange name, just one that didn’t sound all that nice or interesting and certainly not one that, according to her editor, would inspire people to pick up her books. Her several archaeological non-fiction books had sold moderately well, but had never been the inspired hits she thought they deserved to be. You should try fiction, her editor had said after she’d confessed she was frustrated. All these archaeology books, they’re fine and all,…- 5.4 K • Oneshot
- Stepping into new ground can be hard, especially when it comes to writing. Ambris Knot, respected archaeology non-fiction writer and head librarian, knows this well, so when she tries to write fiction for the first time, she turns to a certain daring friend.
- 436 • Nov 21, '21
- 1.2 K • Nov 21, '21
- 696 • Nov 21, '21
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A call for help
‘Twas the morning before Hearth’s Warming, when all through the town, ponies ran out, doing shopping they’d forgotten about. The chatter filled the air, and the laughing did as well, of mares and stallions, colts and fillies, preparing their day for a wonderful eve. A beautiful town this was. But we don’t care about this town. Well, not yet, at least! Our holiday story starts somewhere decidedly less pleasant. It starts in a snowstorm and with a poor little mailmare desperately…- 4.5 K • Oneshot
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For Alex_
Once upon a time, the princess of the night loved Hearth’s Warming eve, partaking in the many festivities and pastries. It was the holiday where she shone, where events went on long past midnight, and her subjects for once stayed up with her, laughing and dancing and celebrating. Then she became Nightmare Moon. Then Equestria was told for a thousand years that she was a dastardly, evil pony bent on bringing night-everlasting (which, granted, she was, but still). Then she came back, but ponies no…- 1.9 K • Oneshot
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