6 Results with character "Cadance"
Ambris Knot (9)
Amethyst Sparkle (1)
Applejack (8)
Bender B. Rodriguez (1)
Big Macintosh (3)
Celestia (25)
Daring Do (14)
Derpy (2)
Discord (5)
Fancy Pants (5)
Fleur de Lis (2)
Fluttershy (25)
Incantation (1)
Lavender Sparkle (1)
Lenore (TLR) (1)
Luna (28)
Main 6 (20)
Main 7 (EQG) (2)
Mayor Mare (2)
Mister Bones (1)
Night Light (1)
North Ridge (2)
OC (16)
Pinkie Pie (17)
Pinkie Pie (EQG) (6)
Rainbow Dash (29)
Rainbow Dash (EQG) (6)
Ramona Mondragon (1)
Rarity (166)
Rarity (EQG) (6)
Rift Shield (3)
Shimmer Glass (3)
Shining Armor (3)
Sophia Majorelle (2)
Sophie (TLR) (1)
Spike (5)
Starswirl (2)
Sunset Shimmer (6)
Sweetie Belle (12)
The CMC (5)
Trixie Lullamoon (3)
Turanga Leela (1)
Twilight (163)
Twilight (EQG) (2)
Twilight Velvet (3)
- Chapter
The Meeting Outside Ponyville
A crisp wind chilled Twilight Sparkle, her wings rustling at her side. Truthfully, she would have liked this meeting to happen inside Carousel Boutique, where she would be warm, but fitting a dragon inside there was, well, impossible. So, there they all were instead—they being herself, Princess Luna and Cadance, Pinkie, Applejack, as well as Spike and Rainbow—all gathered in a prairie on the outskirts of Ponyville. Rarity had stayed back in the boutique to work, under the promise Twilight…- 25.1 K • Ongoing
- Chapter
The First Date
Rarity appreciated everypony. She did. Really. Except for right now. Right now, she really didn’t appreciate the gang of loud, rowdy princesses and ponies parading in and out her house as though it were some sort of circus. She had a dress to make. Several dresses, in fact, because she had a business to kick back into gear, so she’d overcommitted herself, but it was fine, because she’d surely get them done in time if she was just allowed a few hours of…- 25.1 K • Ongoing
- Story
Diplomacy 101
Rarity has a plan, as flawless and beautiful and as perfect as she is: The sovereign Mi Amore Cadenza has planned a visit, and with it an opportunity to capture her heart. There’s only one small problem with this plan.- 9.3 K • Jan 25, '23
- Chapter
The Start of a Vacation
One could say Rarity had faced many trials in her lifetime. She’d faced dragons, monsters, her own inner demons, and two chaos-possessed alicorns. In truth, after the last alicorn, she’d thought she’d earned a break. A vacation, if you will. The right to sit somewhere and relax, where the hardest choice she’d be confronted with was what flavor of tea she wanted in the morning. Unfortunately, this was not the case. Once again, against all odds, there she was, pitched against the most…- 25.1 K • Ongoing
- Story
Colors of the Soul
In a world where ponies see in grayscale until they meet their soulmates, finding your soulmate is a momentous occasion, where the special connection between you quite literally colors your life. When Twilight began dating Rarity, she didn’t mind that she couldn’t see in colors. Or, so she thought, until the day Rarity suddenly could.- 6.7 K • Nov 21, '21
- Chapter
Colors of the Soul
~ ⚫ ~ “Do you want to find your soulmate?” “I… I guess?” “You ‘guess’?” “Well, I mean, I want to see in colors, of course. Doesn’t everypony?” “Yes, of course, but… They’re your soulmate, Twilight. They’re the pony you’re meant to be with for the rest of your life… aren’t they?” “... I don’t know, Rarity. That’s what everypony says, but… Why are you asking about this? Don’t you want to find yours?” “... I don’t know…- 6.8 K • Oneshot