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    • In Which Trixie talks to Rarity

      In Which Trixie talks to Rarity Cover
      by Monochromatic Once upon a time, Rarity the unicorn decided she really needed to finish the dress she’d been working on. She’d been putting it off for days now, mostly because the client had asked for neon-green and neon-brown as primary colors, and there was only so much pain she could take on a daily basis.  Come now, darling, she thought while trotting down the stairs. The sooner you’re rid of it, the sooner you can go bleach your eyes.  Jumping over the last few steps with a little air of…
    • On Romantic Universal Constants

      On Romantic Universal Constants Cover
      by Monochromatic I. This is a story about soulmates.  ...No, that’s not accurate, is it? No, this is a story about the concept of soulmates.  It is a story about destiny, traveling to far-off lands, meeting and knowing yourself, about silly dates and silly thoughts, and, like any good story, it starts with moi.  Or, more specifically, an alternate universe version of myself. Apparently, there’s more than one.  “This is a disaster! A disaster, I tell you!” Though…
    • 0% Alcohol Content

      0% Alcohol Content Cover
      by Monochromatic It had been five days since the ship had been trapped in the slowsands of Xarthus 34, and Lord knew how many days before the rescue ship would even reach the quadrant they were in.  Leela sat at the captain’s chair, her hand’s joints physically hurting from how hard she’d been gripping the main thruster lever.  Stupid.  Not for the first time that quarter of an hour, she forcefully pushed it forward, the ship's engines whirring to life only to violently groan and screech from…
    • Agitation (ft. Celestia and Luna)

      Agitation (ft. Celestia and Luna) Cover
      by Monochromatic "Sister." Luna took a deep breath, trying her best to navigate what could easily be a terrible conversation. "Is there something you wish to speak of?" From across the breakfast table, Celestia blinked. "What do you mean, Luna?" Luna cleared her throat. "I sense…" Careful, Luna, careful. "I sense something is amiss with you. An agitation deep within you. An agitation that should be dealt with as it may… surface in unwelcome ways." Celestia frowned. "Agitation? I'm perfectly fine," she replied.…
      MLP:FiM • Comedy • Celestia • Luna
    • Friend (Original 2010 drabble)

      Friend (Original 2010 drabble) Cover
      by Monochromatic "I can't believe Fry would just…abandon us like that. And for a terrible TV and three classical music records no less!" "Eh, whatever." "Don't you care even a little that he just left us?" "Sure I care but there's nothing we can do about it. Besides, it's not like we need him." "Bender, he's your friend." "So?" "A Friend is someone that you're supposed to care about." "Really?" Bender asked, honestly surprised. "Isn't a friend someone that you drink with and then make him pay for…
    • Friends = Suckers

      Friends = Suckers Cover
      by Monochromatic Fry was… frustrating. She really didn’t get him.  Sure, Leela didn’t think herself heartless, and she understood that he missed the past, but wasting away his days watching TV, eating his weight in retro food, and just… well, being plain sad? Not to mention just outright completely abandoning his friends?  He lived in the Now! The Present! It wasn’t like he could go back, so why neglect the friends who love him now?  Ugh! Men.  Additionally, Fry deciding to ditch…
    • Chess

      Chess Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight had been sitting in the corner by herself for about thirty minutes now, wide-eyed and staring at the chessboard atop a nearby table. “Wow,” she said for the fifth time in two minutes. “Wow.” Sitting a few ways away, a concerned Applejack and Fluttershy observed her, whispering amongst each other. “Look at her,” said the farmer. “I’ve never seen her like this.” Fluttershy gulped. “I know… Rarity really did… a good job…?” Applejack laughed. “Good job? She…
    • Marriage Intervention (ft. Mane6, and the Factual Canon Twilight ship)

      Marriage Intervention (ft. Mane6, and the Factual Canon Twilight ship) Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight Sparkle looked beautiful in her white wedding dress, her mane held back with a beautiful floral arrangement. She looked like a dream, frankly, even despite the great frown marring her face. Her friends surrounded her, sporting equally great frowns. “Twilight,” Rarity pleaded, so opposed to the wedding she didn’t even bother to wear a dress. “You can’t do this. There is still time to call this off! Please.” Twilight didn’t deign Rarity with a look. She just stared at the…
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