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    • ~ Act II ~ 19 ~ The Promise Of A Future Meeting ~

      ~ Act II ~ 19 ~ The Promise Of A Future Meeting ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “It’s very interesting, Fluttershy! This particular breed of daisies seem to have evolved from the ones present in my own time, which means that—” “Uhm… Princess Twilight?” “—using these flowers, and my Flower Genome Study book, we can potentially extract the very basic—” “Princess Twilight, your necklace…” “…My what?” “Your necklace. The one Rarity gave you. It’s glowing?” “It is?! It is!” Rarity’s headache wouldn’t let her think…
    • ~ Act II ~ 21 ~ The Checklist Conversation ~

      ~ Act II ~ 21 ~ The Checklist Conversation ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic An entire week went by before Twilight agreed to talk. An endless number of tasks kept appearing on the checklist, kept moving up the list of priorities, and Rarity allowed them to. It had been over a week, yes, but even so, she could still vividly picture the memories Twilight had inadvertently shared, as well as the fear and guilt that had accompanied them and briefly plagued Rarity. In that moment, Twilight Sparkle’s carefully constructed barriers had been ripped away, and it was only polite for…
    • ~ Act II ~ 20 ~ The Wrangled Maze ~

      ~ Act II ~ 20 ~ The Wrangled Maze ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Sleep was neither kind nor unkind to Rarity. She managed to get almost four full hours of it, but her dreams were plagued with dragons, and princesses, and Spirits of Chaos. In one dream, she was there with Twilight and her dragon friend during that ill-fated day. In another, she was chatting with Rainbow and Pinkie outside the Trader’s Exchange. But in the one that finally woke her, she found herself trying to go back home but painfully unable to locate the library. She spent the rest of the trip…
    • ~ Act II ~ 22 ~ The Secret of Heart’s Haven ~

      ~ Act II ~ 22 ~ The Secret of Heart’s Haven ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Heart’s Haven. A secluded village known for its curious location at the bottom of Galloping Gorge, next to Galloping Valley. Local tourism books stated that many centuries ago, a river flowed at the bottom of the gorge, and it was only after it had dried out inexplicably that ponies founded the town down below. Local ghostly princesses begged to differ, however, claiming that actually, Rarity, Rustle River did not dry out, but was moved underground by Princess Celestia and Princess Luna so that…
    • ~ Act II ~ 23 ~ The Library’s Revelations ~

      ~ Act II ~ 23 ~ The Library’s Revelations ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Oh, Rarity, it’s lovely!” Inside Carousel Boutique, Rarity smiled at her customer and adjusted her glasses. She took the dress she’d spent all morning working on and made a few last-second adjustments. “Yes, it’s quite the design, if I do say so myself!” she agreed, carefully folding the dress and setting it inside its box. “I’m terribly sorry I took so long with it, Spring, but I’ve been traveling quite a lot as of late.” Spring Showers shook her head. “Oh, it’s all…
    • ~ Interlude V ~ A Filly’s Nightmare ~

      ~ Interlude V ~ A Filly’s Nightmare ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Princess Luna hated birthdays. Not hers, though; she had long ago stopped knowing or caring how old she was. No, she hated the birthdays of foals, for they served as reminders of her inevitable fate: being forgotten. She took a deep breath and observed the scenery before her. A lush forest went on for miles and miles, and right in the middle of it gleamed a massive, crystal-clear lake. It was a memory from her foalhood, when she and Celestia once traveled far beyond Equestria and found the secret…
    • ~ Act II ~ 24 ~ The Light of the Library ~

      ~ Act II ~ 24 ~ The Light of the Library ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Rarity sometimes likened Twilight to light. It was a peculiar word to describe somepony, wasn’t it? Or that’s what Twilight would say, at least. She’d roll her eyes and point out that light was a concept, a notion, the result of the sun shining overhead or a candle flickering in the darkness. And yet, Twilight Sparkle was like light. Rarity could be clever and point out that the word itself was inscribed in the alicorn’s name, or that her first name represented a shifting in light between day…
    • ~ Act III ~ 26 ~ The Legacy From Long Ago ~

      ~ Act III ~ 26 ~ The Legacy From Long Ago ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Princess Denza did not say anything at first. She looked beyond the mares, into the room, and then back at Rarity, still completely and surprisingly silent. “Your Highness! We’ll take care of the intruders!” a senior unicorn guard exclaimed, enveloping everypony’s hooves with magic, almost like he wanted to hoofcuff them. “Please return to the throne room until the area is secure!” “Secure?!” Rarity protested. “Have you even looked at us?! I have children with me!” “We’re…
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