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    • ~ Interlude V ~ A Quiet Moment ~

      ~ Interlude V ~ A Quiet Moment ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic She hadn’t been able to sleep since they came back from the library. She simply lay on the edge of her bed, unable to tear her eyes away from the sleeping alicorn beside her, the ink all over her coat staining the sheets and Sweetie Belle huddled next to her. For hours, she was convinced it was a dream. It had to be. Any moment now, she thought, she’d hear Incantation yelling her name, she’d wake up back at Hollow Shades, and Twilight would still be sealed inside the library. But the hours…
    • ~ Act II ~ 21 ~ The Valiant Never Taste of Death but Once ~

      ~ Act II ~ 21 ~ The Valiant Never Taste of Death but Once ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight Sparkle had faced nightmare versions of herself before. It was, however, one thing to face a Twilight she’d created. It was another thing entirely to face one Rarity designed. If she’d had the time to think, to pause everything and reflect upon it, she’d have felt rather horrible at seeing how that one sunforsaken mistake two years ago still haunted her significant other. But… But there was no time to sit and feel awful because the nightmare Twilight didn’t much care for any of…
    • ~ Act II ~ 22 ~ The Filly Who Believed ~

      ~ Act II ~ 22 ~ The Filly Who Believed ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic No one said anything after that, and especially less so Princess Twilight Sparkle. But then you came back. The statement rang in her head like a haze, every word making sense individually but not as a whole. ‘You were dead and you came back’ would make sense. ‘You were dead, then you came back’ would make sense. But she had said neither of those things. Huh. “Oh. Okay.” “Okay?” Rarity asked, looking up at the alicorn. “Okay?” “Yes,” Twilight replied,…
    • ~ Act II~ 23 ~ The Heartbound Home ~

      ~ Act II~ 23 ~ The Heartbound Home ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic The party that came after Princess Luna’s liberation was one unlike Hollow Shades had ever seen. No matter where you were, inside or out, you could hear it. The laughter, the dancing, the celebration of a cursed town that was cursed no more. It invited you to join, drew you in with the infectious cheers, and you would be remiss to not attend. Unless you were Princess Twilight Sparkle, and you were too busy debating whether you should take apart an Element of Harmony or not. Destroying…
    • ~ Epilogue ~ A Beautiful Night ~

      ~ Epilogue ~ A Beautiful Night ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Princess Cadance had long ago made peace with the fact that she’d never have foals of her own. Long, long ago, this might have bothered her. It might have hurt her deeply, just as losing Shining Armor had. But long ago was long ago, and things had very much changed since then. Princess Cadance knew she’d never give birth to a filly or colt of her own flesh and blood, but that didn’t mean she didn’t have children. She had many children. Or, well, in this case, adopted…
    • ~ Act II ~ 16 ~ The Dragon Falls ~

      ~ Act II ~ 16 ~ The Dragon Falls ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Princess Twilight Time. The three hours a week the Cutie Mark Crusaders dragged Rarity to the library for their lessons with Twilight, after they’d hassled her into going back on her “no visiting Twilight” rule. Then again, “dragged her to the library” wasn’t the right phrase, was it? That would imply Rarity didn’t really want to go, when the truth was that any excuse to go to the library was one she’d take. That was, until Twilight had become convinced that Rarity could…
    • ~ Act II ~ 17 ~ The Dragon Thief ~

      ~ Act II ~ 17 ~ The Dragon Thief ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic A dragon scale. If Rarity were an alicorn like Twilight Sparkle, she supposed getting one would be a fairly easy task. A quickly cast barrier, a few dizzying spells, maybe some teleporting around for added confusion, and she’d be trotting out of the cave with a scale before one could say “advanced teleportation.” Sadly though, Rarity wasn’t an all-mighty, powerful alicorn, and although she liked to consider herself quite the fighter, her brief lessons in self-defense as a filly could only do…
    • ~ Act II ~ 18 ~ The Dragon Sacrifice ~

      ~ Act II ~ 18 ~ The Dragon Sacrifice ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Rarity was absolutely certain of three things. First, one of the books she needed was currently in the possession of one of the most vicious dragon tribes in Equestria. Second, without those books—and Rarity didn’t know where half of them even were—Twilight Sparkle could not be free. And third, she had gone unconditionally and irrevocably mad. Dawn’s first light shone over Yaket Range, slowly washing over the chasms and crevices. The vast majority of ponies were snug in their beds,…
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