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    • remark

      remark Cover
      by Monochromatic Rarity was a fish in a small pond.  No one in Ponyville cared about clothes, not really. Sometimes they wore them, sure, especially for Seeking Night, but beyond that, she’d always known she was niche. She dreamed of making it in Manehattan or Canterlot one day, where more ponies cared for such things, and she’d be famous and great, but back then, all she wanted was to share.  And she was good at it, too, which is relevant but not to build her up or put anyone down.  It was just a fact,…
    • for the love of the craft

      for the love of the craft Cover
      by Monochromatic Ponies told her she was silly. She lived in Ponyville. A little town in the middle of nowhere, inhabited by simple folk who did not wear or care about clothes in the least. To try and sell clothes to them would be akin to trying to sell food to a rock. But she didn’t care, because she was a designer, and clothes were her medium. She’d had a few successful sales before—small ones, as she was not a very good designer back then—but it wasn’t about the money or the success or any such…
    • ~ Act I ~ 12 ~ The Professor’s Theory ~

      ~ Act I ~ 12 ~ The Professor’s Theory ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Dreams were different for every pony. For some, it was terribly easy to figure out they were dreaming; for others, it felt like a reality where things weren’t quite right, but never wrong enough to alert them to something suspicious. Rarity was part of the latter group, always relishing her dreams as if they were reality. And yet, despite the fact that the scene unfolding before her couldn’t be anything but a dream, it certainly didn’t feel like one. It was as if she had been…
    • ~ Act I ~ 09 ~ The Shadow on the Wall ~

      ~ Act I ~ 09 ~ The Shadow on the Wall ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “You’re sure that’s what she said she saw?” “Yes… But I’m certain she must have imagined it! A filly lost in the forest? She could have seen anything out of fright! It’s so dark in there!” “But, Rarity, how could she have mistaken you? If he’s following you, I—” “Twilight, think about it. If that was really the Spirit, why would he have led her to me and the library? It makes no sense.” “Rari—” “Twilight, please, you’re just worrying over…
    • A Moment

      A Moment Cover
      by Monochromatic The nightmares happened often enough that she was starting to get used to them.  She’d wake up with a start, her heart pounding in her chest, followed in short order by her eyes desperately looking to the spot next to her on the bed and only relaxing when she’d see Twilight there—sleeping soundly, there next to her rather than trapped in the library behind a black barrier.  Rarity took a deep breath, rubbing her hoof against her forehead. It’s over, she’d think to herself,…
    • The Council Has Arrived (Fashionably Late)

      The Council Has Arrived (Fashionably Late) Cover
      by Monochromatic Once upon a time, Twilight Sparkle did what could be called a pretty severe ‘oopsie’ and created a multidimensional space where ponies from across all universes could meet up. What was initially considered the precursor to the end of the known universe soon became a happy accident when it was determined the space-time continuum would not collapse, and thus ponies across dimensions could meet repeatedly without consequence. Among the many councils that were formed after the joining of the universes…
    • In Which Trixie talks to Rarity

      In Which Trixie talks to Rarity Cover
      by Monochromatic Once upon a time, Rarity the unicorn decided she really needed to finish the dress she’d been working on. She’d been putting it off for days now, mostly because the client had asked for neon-green and neon-brown as primary colors, and there was only so much pain she could take on a daily basis.  Come now, darling, she thought while trotting down the stairs. The sooner you’re rid of it, the sooner you can go bleach your eyes.  Jumping over the last few steps with a little air of…
    • On Romantic Universal Constants

      On Romantic Universal Constants Cover
      by Monochromatic I. This is a story about soulmates.  ...No, that’s not accurate, is it? No, this is a story about the concept of soulmates.  It is a story about destiny, traveling to far-off lands, meeting and knowing yourself, about silly dates and silly thoughts, and, like any good story, it starts with moi.  Or, more specifically, an alternate universe version of myself. Apparently, there’s more than one.  “This is a disaster! A disaster, I tell you!” Though…
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