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    • ~ Interlude IV ~ An Old Friend ~

      ~ Interlude IV ~ An Old Friend ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic He woke up at the crack of dawn, as he did almost every day. An old habit he’d kept from the Undiscovered West, from the times when waking up late was a literal matter of life and death. Times were different now, of course. Sleeping in wouldn’t result in a band of mercenaries kidnapping him like that time in Siribilo, but it would result in a mare being quite, quite upset. Speaking of which… He cracked an eye open and saw her sitting on the other side of the fire, awake and alert…
    • ~ Act II ~ 14 ~ The Ethereal Archives ~

      ~ Act II ~ 14 ~ The Ethereal Archives ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Once upon a time, Twilight Sparkle celebrated multiple Equestrian holidays in a single day. Back when things were easier. Simpler. She’d been reading a book in her library and stopped when she heard noises in the distance, her strange new non-displaced acquaintance having returned to visit her. She’d put her book down and made her way through her library—literally so, her body going through the bookcase aisles of her permanent home. When she reached the main entrance, she found Rarity…
    • ~ Act II ~ 15 ~ The Final Detail ~

      ~ Act II ~ 15 ~ The Final Detail ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Things changed after that. Well. Technically speaking, it had only been one day since she and Rarity went into the library. But in that little amount of time, things had changed. Maybe it was just Twilight. Maybe she was telling herself they did. Whatever it was, real or not, it was easier to breathe with a weight lifted off her shoulders. It also made it easier to take life’s disappointments in stride. Sitting at a picnic table outside one of Trottingham’s libraries, Twilight and…
    • ~ Act II ~ 16 ~ The Seeking Night Spectacular ~

      ~ Act II ~ 16 ~ The Seeking Night Spectacular ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “How much longer?” “We’ve passed this bookcase four times already!” “How do you know? They all look the same!” “Honey, hurry up!” Under the twilit sky, four arguing foals made their way through a labyrinth of bookshelves, searching and searching and searching for the missing princess of old. The youngest, trailing behind, carried with her a small saddlebag where she’d stored the Elements of Harmony—the only objects capable of defeating the Spirit of olde. “Honey!” a…
    • ~ Act II ~ 17 ~ The Art of Falling Apart ~

      ~ Act II ~ 17 ~ The Art of Falling Apart ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic They’d been there before, hadn’t they? Once upon a time, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Rarity the Unicorn had a sleepover with all their friends—they played games, shared stories, and had more fun than Twilight remembered having in quite some time. Three days later, Rarity got cursed, maimed, and taken away from her. Twice upon a time, Princess Twilight Sparkle and Rarity the Unicorn had a sleepover with all their friends—they played games, shared dreams, and had more fun than Princess…
    • ~ Act II ~ 18 ~ The Star Will Aid In Her Escape ~

      ~ Act II ~ 18 ~ The Star Will Aid In Her Escape ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic It felt like months since the fight. Months since the tainted entrails of Twilight and Rarity's relationship had been exposed. It felt so faraway, so unimportant, so blurred. Maybe that was the sleep-deprivation. The fascinating thing about being sleep-deprived, Twilight learned, is that the longer you go without sleeping, the more time and space blur together; a messy mix and match of fragmented memories that somehow make sense if you don’t think about it too much. Like a dream. In the…
    • ~ Act II ~ 19 ~ The Trapped Town ~

      ~ Act II ~ 19 ~ The Trapped Town ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic It all happened very fast. Princess Luna—or Nightmare Moon, rather—rose on her hindlegs, stared Twilight down with her pitch-black eyes, and then slammed her hooves on the floor, a pulse of magic discharging from her whole form. “Princess Luna!” Twilight begged to no avail. “Please!” Her pleas went unheard as the magic swallowed her, brusquely ejecting her from the dream and back to reality. She opened her eyes with a start and found herself back in the workshop. The entire place…
    • ~ Act II ~ 20 ~ The Nightmare Night ~

      ~ Act II ~ 20 ~ The Nightmare Night ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight could not accurately estimate how long she’d been in the dream realm, particularly when time worked differently there, but it certainly felt like she’d been there a while. A long while, cluelessly wandering about this warped Hollow Shades, chaos magic seeping out of everything the eye could see. “Hello?!” she called out, but much like the dozen times before, no one replied—even though she couldn’t shake off the feeling she wasn’t alone. Moving shadows seemed to loom all…
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