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    • ~ Interlude I ~ A Research Log ~

      ~ Interlude I ~ A Research Log ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Tell me, wandering traveler, what do you seek? A roof over your head or a friend to converse with? We have naught but a few houses and a dozen apple trees, but you are welcome to our homes and our food.” “I seek the Princess of Knowledge. I have heard rumors that she has a library around these parts. I bring information on the one she seeks.” “The Princess of Knowledge? You are mistaken, wandering traveler. No princess of any kind has set hoof in our town for a very long time.” “Oh?…
    • ~ Act I ~ 02 ~ The Princess in the Library ~

      ~ Act I ~ 02 ~ The Princess in the Library ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic An eternity seemed to pass by for Rarity as she and the princess engaged in an impromptu staring contest, the little owl looking back and forth between the two mares. “Are you the Book Bringer?” the princess asked, receiving no answer from the shocked unicorn. Things were not going the way Rarity had imagined they would. Granted, she had never actually planned on meeting the spirit of an Equestrian princess, but she would have expected more… screaming and soul-banishing. At least she could…
    • ~ Act I ~ 03 ~ The Questions in the Labyrinth ~

      ~ Act I ~ 03 ~ The Questions in the Labyrinth ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Twilight, how are we supposed to live here?” “The princess will help me build a library here, Spike. I need to have my books nearby during my research if we want to find a weapon to stop him.” “But… how are we supposed to hide from him with a library here? He will find it! It isn’t as if we can build a secret library under the tree…” “…Spike, you just gave me a great idea…” The history of the Everfree Forest was shrouded in as much mystery as…
    • ~ Act I ~ 01 ~ The Library in the Forest ~

      ~ Act I ~ 01 ~ The Library in the Forest ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Rarity did not believe in fairy tales. As much as she loved to read them, she knew no dashing savior would come and sweep her off her hooves, she knew no dragons guarded kidnapped damsels in distress, and she was positive the tale of The Princess in the Library was nothing but a myth. Her younger sister, however, begged to differ. “Once upon a time, in Equestria’s distant past, there were four princesses, not just one.” Sweetie Belle’s voice drifted up from the floor below,…
    • ~ Act I ~ 04 ~ The Princess Parade ~

      ~ Act I ~ 04 ~ The Princess Parade ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Shining Armor, I… I don’t think he will surrender peacefully…” “Princess Celestia wouldn’t do it if she didn’t think it would work, Twilight.” “But… I’m afraid… If it doesn’t work, Princess Celestia told me I’ll have to… What if I can’t stop him? What if I can’t wield the Eleme—” “Twily, if it comes to that, you will be able to stop him. And remember, Cadance and I will be here to help you always.” “An instant…
    • ~ Act I ~ 05 ~ The Dragon Library ~

      ~ Act I ~ 05 ~ The Dragon Library ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Shining Armor, is it true?! Are you ordering the soldiers back to the castle?! You can’t!” “Cadance and I have no choice. You saw how the court reacted to the news! We can’t risk throwing the rest of the kingdom into a panic! We have to think of—” “No! What about Princess Celestia and Luna?! What about Twilight?! They’re out there! You need to send more soldiers to the Ponyville Fore—” “She’s not there! You told us yourself that she was gone!” “I, I was wrong! We…
    • ~ Act I ~ 06 ~ The Broken Promise ~

      ~ Act I ~ 06 ~ The Broken Promise ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Monday morning arrived to the sound of singing birds and… hooting owls? Back at home, Rarity rolled over in her bed and stifled a yawn. She took off her sleeping mask and looked toward the window, her eyes adjusting to the rays of bright sunlight filtering in. To her surprise, she was met with the sight of a familiar white owl standing on the windowsill, who hooted twice when Rarity looked at her. Elara? What’s she doing here? Never before had Elara actually traveled out beyond the forest…
    • ~ Interlude II ~ A Letter to Twilight ~

      ~ Interlude II ~ A Letter to Twilight ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Dear Twilight, It’s been so long! The war has been over for almost a year now, but you still spend all your time in your “secret library.” How are your wings? It took me the longest time to get used to my new horn when I got it. Hopefully, it isn’t the same for you. We received news of the founding of Ponyville. You probably knew this already, but the farmers living with you there used to be guards at the castle! They retired before the war even started, and I think they lived somewhere near…
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