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    • … Cover
      by Monochromatic Every Wednesday, Pinkie and I met to eat cheese. I saw her so often that I practically knew her inside out! I felt like I understood her relationship with Maude now, able to tell somepony’s mood even with just minute differences. I felt the same truthfully when it came to Pinkie Pie.  I could tell when she was happy or sad, or when all was well, and when all was not. But I digress.  The point is we never missed a single meeting. You must understand this: never had we ever missed a…
    • and I’d give up forever to touch you

      and I’d give up forever to touch you Cover
      by Monochromatic In the thousand or so years Princess Twilight had been alive, she’d never given love a second thought. It just wasn’t for her, her life too much of a mess to think about sharing it with somepony else. It wasn’t that she’d assumed she’d die alone—not that she could even die at this point, anyway—but she’d always felt she was content with what she had: her mentor and family, once upon a time, and now her books and owls and friends and… Her. Her, who kept upheaving Twilight’s…
    • The Memory That Haunts

      The Memory That Haunts Cover
      by Monochromatic If Rarity had learned anything from her many experiences with painful goodbyes, it was that the faster one could get them over with, the better.  While years ago, she might have reveled in the fuss and the excitement and the poetic pang of things coming to an end, now she just wanted to avoid it all. It would be easier this way. No fuss, no hassle, departing at the crack of dawn and leaving behind nothing but a letter. Very efficient, she’d said when pitching it to Twilight.  And yet, as she…
    • 1. In Which The Elderly Are Dying

      1. In Which The Elderly Are Dying Cover
      by Monochromatic For as long as Rarity the vampire had lived (well over five hundred years now, give or take), most of her nutrition came from the elderly women who visited her small shop, which specialized in fixing and restoring antique clothes.  It wasn’t that she preferred to drink ‘vintage’ blood, to be clear, but taking from someone who was slated to die in the next few years certainly did wonders for her soul’s integrity—if she had one still (she’d done some research on it a few decades ago, and…
    • The Hollow Shades Conspiracy

      The Hollow Shades Conspiracy Cover
      by Monochromatic For the first time in centuries, or perhaps even since its founding, the town of Hollow Shades closed its doors to visitors. Dozens and dozens of royal guards were posted around the town’s forested entrances, politely keeping outsiders out and explaining that the large domed barrier visible for miles was currently being investigated.  Thank you for understanding, they’d say. Everything is fine. Hollow Shades will be open to visitors soon.  Ordinarily, a statement of this sort would…
    • When Was It Over

      by Monochromatic In the back of her mind, where the sounds of the party around her were a distant hum, Twilight Sparkle wondered if she hated herself.  She must. It was the only thing that made sense in a scenario that made none, as unpleasant and lingering as the mixed drink Rainbow’d handed her.  “Just take it.” Rainbow’d hesitated for a second before handing her a glass of the poison-laced courage. Some awful-tasting soda, and rum, and a whole lot of lime. “You just came here to have a good…
    • On The Twelfth Day of Hearth’s Warming, My Lover Gave To Me…

      On The Twelfth Day of Hearth’s Warming, My Lover Gave To Me… Cover
      by Monochromatic 12 Ciders Shining Divorce was something Big Mac didn’t have much experience with. Death was, unfortunately, but things ending because it just didn’t work out? Nope. But still, he’d learned a lot just by quietly observing folks, and he could tell a stallion in need of a good warm cider when he saw one. “Thanks for having me, Mac,” Shining Armor said, following Big Mac into the apple farmer’s kitchen, a steaming pot of lightly spiked cider awaiting them both. “I love Twily and her…
    • not even death do us part

      not even death do us part Cover
      by Monochromatic Though the path to the underworld was arduous and long, Twilight Sparkle traveled it regardless.  It wound through endless gray, under a black cavern roof beyond the reach of any light, like a night sky shorn of stars. Bare rock walls pressed in, gray with age and with the specters that lined the passageways. She saw ponies of all tribes, all ages, all classes, colorless as the world they now dwelled in, all equal and the same in death. They spared her dull glances, little else. Here and there,…
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