~ Interlude VI ~ A Vision I ~
by Monochromatic
Rarity dreamt of a unicorn mare called Amethyst Wind.
Amethyst reminded Rarity much of herself when she was younger, full of vibrancy and desire for adventures. She was several decades younger than the elderly Rarity, and unlike Rarity, Amethyst Wind was not cursed.
“She’s beautiful, isn’t she?”
Rarity looked up from her book, smiling at the mare sitting opposite her, busy burying her face in her hooves with what could only be described as a love-struck expression.
“I remember being quite in awe of her back in the day, yes,” Rarity said, turning back to her book. A memory of long ago came back to the surface, of a flustered unicorn having confessed her feelings to an equally flustered alicorn.
Rarity had learned to suppress that memory.
Amethyst giggled. “I always forget you used to go to the library when you were young. She barely speaks of you.” After a moment, a blush shot through her face. “Er. Wait. That came out wrong.”
“That’s all right, darling.”
After all, Twilight barely spoke of Fritter Cobbler.
There were many things Amethyst Wind did and did not know. She knew her mentor had stopped visiting Twilight due to a terrible accident decades ago that was responsible for the scars on Rarity’s leg, though she did not know it was also because her mentor was cursed. She knew Twilight Sparkle and Rarity had once been friends, but she did not know they had once been in love.
Rarity had never said anything, and neither had Twilight.
An agreement that was made in silence and would stay silent.
“I think she likes me,” Amethyst said, and in her voice rang a feeling Rarity had not experienced in a long time. She giggled, and whispered, “I think Twilight loves me, actually. Maybe. I hope. I want to talk to her all the time, but I can’t! Uuuuuugh!” She groaned and buried her face in her hooves. “Why can’t I be with her all the time?” She giggled at the impassive stare Rarity fixed her with. “Sorry. You must think I’m silly.”
Rarity laughed. “Hardly, darling.”
With her magic, she levitated a jewelry box from a nearby shelf, and placed it on the table, right between them. Carefully, she opened it up, extracted a broken necklace she’d not touched in a long time and floated it over to Amethyst.
“Take this to her,” Rarity said with a soft smile. “She’ll understand.”
I remember reading this for the first time so vividly like…all the freshmen girls had to move dorms in the MIDDLE of finals week because they had some renovation project they sprung on us, so i’m in a two-person dorm room with two roommates and all our stuff is stacked everywhere because we’re in a temporary room, and i’m lying on my bed not studying because if i study anymore i’ll go crazy, and i’m completely obsessed with this fic and i read this and i BARELY kept from going “WHAT!” out loud. i was like no absolutely not i REFUSEEEEEEEEE. i think i speedran the five stages of grief in that dorm room. (and then i kept reading because duh)
anyway this is literally evil of you and i love it. like you throw this at the reader with nothing more than a hint in the last chapter that it’s a dream (rarity’s brief mention of the name ‘amethyst wind’ which i don’t think i even CAUGHT the first time around) and literally just send the reader (me) into a tailspin like “did i come all this way….FOR NO RARITWI?” it is incredible and so mean and i love it.
This is a good spot for this interlude. It just keeps adding to the tension and with the uncertainty in the story at this point it hits the target. Will this be Rarity’s future? It’s a glimpse into a pretty bitter future for Rarity. You can imagine all that went on over the years for Rarity that ended with disappointment in trying to find Twilight. It’s kind of like losing someone long ago but in this case Twilight still exists. Well she doesn’t quite exist for Rarity anymore.