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    Tranquil Heartmender, also known as the disguised therapist form of Princess Luna, prepared herself for today’s clients. All she knew was that they were requesting extreme privacy (she didn’t even know who they were) and that it was a couple going through a rough patch.

    Three knocks at the door startled her. She glanced at the clock on the wall. Five minutes early?

    “Come in!” she called.

    The door opened, and Luna forced herself not to react when who walked in but Twilight Sparkle herself.

    “Hi!” Twilight exclaimed, seeming a little frazzled. “You must be Tranquil Heartmender! I’m so sorry, I hope it’s all right I’m early.”

    “That’s perfectly fine, Miss Sparkle,” said ‘Heartmender’, internally noting the surprising revelation that Twilight Sparkle was dating. Interesting. She noticed no one else behind Twilight, too. “Though we cannot start until everypony is here, I’m afraid.”

    A flash of irritation crossed Twilight’s face. Another mental note was made. “I know, sorry. It shouldn’t be long, I promise.”

    Indeed, five minutes later, the door opened and Luna was forced to really contain her surprise when Rainbow Dash lazily walked in, looking absolutely bored.

    “Rainbow! Where were you? We said five minutes earlier!”

    “I’m here now!” Rainbow pulled up a chair and plopped down. “ Relaaaax.”

    Luna cleared her throat. “Good, we can beg—”

    “Oh, sorry!” Twilight interrupted, a blush on her face. “I… Uh… We’re uh…”

    “There’s a third,” Rainbow said, resting her foreleg on the chair’s backrest. “Twilight’s still embarrassed about it, but I have no problems accepting I scored with two hot girls at the same time.” She lifted her hoof for a fist bump from ‘Heartmender’. “Don’t leave me hangin’!”

    Luna left her hanging, which was good because the door opened right at that moment, and for the third and final time, Luna had to maintain composure as now Rarity walked in, two shopping bags with her.

    “Hey, babe,” Rainbow said.

    “Rarity!” Twilight exclaimed. “You’re late! Literally late! Even Rainbow was on time!”

    “Fashionably late!” Rarity corrected, sitting down on a third chair. “Fa-shio-na-bly.”

    As the throuple argued, Luna looked at them. Well, she thought, it would seem that three of the Elements of Harmony are dating each other.

    “Interesting,” she mused to herself. “I never imagined the fate of Equestria would rest on me having to ensure three of our most important defenders had a healthy romantic relationship, but here we are.”

    Immediately, the three friends turned to the pegasus.

    “What?” they asked, in unison.

    “Oh, nothing.” ‘Heartmender’ smiled pleasantly. “Shall we begin?”

    Writing is my full-time job now, so if you like my work and my output, please consider tipping me or subscribing on Ko-Fi so I can continue writing so much! Every little bit helps! c:

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    1. ShadowLDrago
      May 2, '23 at 12:45 am

      “Interesting,” she mused to herself. “I never imagined the fate of Equestria would rest on me having to ensure three of our most important defenders had a healthy romantic relationship, but here we are.”

      Life’s fun like that.

    2. A Deer
      May 2, '23 at 1:05 pm

      Really enjoying the Heartmender AU. Secretly she’s the saving force in Equestria by giving therapy to all its heroes.

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