32 Results in the "The Enchanted Carousel" category
- Chapter
The Meeting Outside Ponyville
A crisp wind chilled Twilight Sparkle, her wings rustling at her side. Truthfully, she would have liked this meeting to happen inside Carousel Boutique, where she would be warm, but fitting a dragon inside there was, well, impossible. So, there they all were instead—they being herself, Princess Luna and Cadance, Pinkie, Applejack, as well as Spike and Rainbow—all gathered in a prairie on the outskirts of Ponyville. Rarity had stayed back in the boutique to work, under the promise Twilight…- 25.1 K • Ongoing
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The Hollow Shades Conspiracy
For the first time in centuries, or perhaps even since its founding, the town of Hollow Shades closed its doors to visitors. Dozens and dozens of royal guards were posted around the town’s forested entrances, politely keeping outsiders out and explaining that the large domed barrier visible for miles was currently being investigated. Thank you for understanding, they’d say. Everything is fine. Hollow Shades will be open to visitors soon. Ordinarily, a statement of this sort would…- 22.4 K • Ongoing
- The sleepy town of Ponyville had always believed the Myth of the Four Princesses to be, well, exactly that–a myth. But when they’re forced to confront that princesses and spirits might be more than just tall tales, a young mare decides she has to see it–and Princess Twilight Sparkle–for herself.
- 5.1 K • Sep 18, '24
- Chapter
The First Date
Rarity appreciated everypony. She did. Really. Except for right now. Right now, she really didn’t appreciate the gang of loud, rowdy princesses and ponies parading in and out her house as though it were some sort of circus. She had a dress to make. Several dresses, in fact, because she had a business to kick back into gear, so she’d overcommitted herself, but it was fine, because she’d surely get them done in time if she was just allowed a few hours of…- 25.1 K • Ongoing
The proofs for the TEL books finally came in, and they look GREAT!!! Can’t wait for peeps to be able to hOLD THEM TOO!!!!! Covers were done by lilfunkman c:
Hi everyone! For those of you who might remember, the amazing IsaSpSp did a full animatic for Enchanted Library some time back. WELL! She just finished one that recaps the entirety of TEK, AND IT’S FRIGGIN’ INSANE! I had to re-watch it and pause every five seconds to appreciate the scenes and details. If you like it, please be sure to leave her a…
- Story
The Enchanted Era
Once upon a time, there was a mare who did not believe in fairytales, and a very different mare who did not believe in herself. Their lives intertwined, weaving together a fairytale like no other, filled with chaos and love, friends and enemies, adventures and tragedies. A fairytale they felt would last forever. But it couldn’t.- 4.9 K • Apr 16, '24
- 4.4 K • May 13, '24
- 4.1 K • Jun 27, '24
Hey all! Most everyone in my Patreon Discord server knows this, but I want to post it here just more generally. I’m finally getting TEC back into gear, and I’ve decided that, possibly permanently, new chapters will go up on here first, and only on Fimfiction once the next chapter has been posted here. This probably won’t apply to my…
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