32 Results in the "The Enchanted Carousel" category
- Story
Faced with having somepony who loves her, Princess Twilight Sparkle struggles with her lack of corporeality.- 1.1 K • Aug 13, '24
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The Memory That Haunts
If Rarity had learned anything from her many experiences with painful goodbyes, it was that the faster one could get them over with, the better. While years ago, she might have reveled in the fuss and the excitement and the poetic pang of things coming to an end, now she just wanted to avoid it all. It would be easier this way. No fuss, no hassle, departing at the crack of dawn and leaving behind nothing but a letter. Very efficient, she’d said when pitching it to Twilight. And yet, as she…- 22.4 K • Ongoing
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The Hollow Shades Conspiracy
For the first time in centuries, or perhaps even since its founding, the town of Hollow Shades closed its doors to visitors. Dozens and dozens of royal guards were posted around the town’s forested entrances, politely keeping outsiders out and explaining that the large domed barrier visible for miles was currently being investigated. Thank you for understanding, they’d say. Everything is fine. Hollow Shades will be open to visitors soon. Ordinarily, a statement of this sort would…- 22.4 K • Ongoing
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At The Edge Of The End
North Ridge typically wasn’t one to hesitate, but in this case, he couldn’t help it. From under the shade of a tree, he observed the nearby sleepy town of Willow’s Bend, for once bustling with life and activity. How could it not, after all, when it was their turn to know the truth that had lurked in Equestria’s shadows for millennia? And yet, he hesitated, even if all reason contended he would have found out the truth one way or another. It was simply inevitable that even if he’d never…- 22.4 K • Ongoing
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The Enchanted Era
Once upon a time, there was a mare who did not believe in fairytales, and a very different mare who did not believe in herself. Their lives intertwined, weaving together a fairytale like no other, filled with chaos and love, friends and enemies, adventures and tragedies. A fairytale they felt would last forever. But it couldn’t.- 4.9 K • Apr 16, '24
- 4.4 K • May 13, '24
- 4.1 K • Jun 27, '24
Hi all! I’ve already made the announcement in other places, so I figured I might as well do it here, too, to cement the change. The TL;DR is The Enchanted Carousel, as the continuation to The Enchanted Kingdom, is cancelled. I’ve decided I want to finish off the series, and in order to do that, I need a fresh start. The new story, The…
Hey all! I’m sitting right now at the local Hookah lounge I’ve been frequenting for about two months now, and I’m feeling like a personal blogpost. I’ve talked myself out of them for the past few months, but… I kinda want to do one now, because this IS my own personal website, so technically speaking, I’m… allowed?? I wanted to start this by saying…
Hi everyone, Wanted to make a blogpost because enough folk have asked if everything is okay with me since I haven’t posted in a while. The short of it is things just keep happening in my personal life this year that have worn me down to nothing. Just last week a grandparent died, and that was on the back of something else happening that…
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