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    82 Results in the "The Enchanted Library" category

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      ~ Act I ~ 05 ~ The Dragon Library ~

      ~ Act I ~ 05 ~ The Dragon Library ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Shining Armor, is it true?! Are you ordering the soldiers back to the castle?! You can’t!” “Cadance and I have no choice. You saw how the court reacted to the news! We can’t risk throwing the rest of the kingdom into a panic! We have to think of—” “No! What about Princess Celestia and Luna?! What about Twilight?! They’re out there! You need to send more soldiers to the Ponyville Fore—” “She’s not there! You told us yourself that she was gone!” “I, I was wrong! We…
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      ~ Act I ~ 06 ~ The Broken Promise ~

      ~ Act I ~ 06 ~ The Broken Promise ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Monday morning arrived to the sound of singing birds and… hooting owls? Back at home, Rarity rolled over in her bed and stifled a yawn. She took off her sleeping mask and looked toward the window, her eyes adjusting to the rays of bright sunlight filtering in. To her surprise, she was met with the sight of a familiar white owl standing on the windowsill, who hooted twice when Rarity looked at her. Elara? What’s she doing here? Never before had Elara actually traveled out beyond the forest…
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      ~ Interlude II ~ A Letter to Twilight ~

      ~ Interlude II ~ A Letter to Twilight ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Dear Twilight, It’s been so long! The war has been over for almost a year now, but you still spend all your time in your “secret library.” How are your wings? It took me the longest time to get used to my new horn when I got it. Hopefully, it isn’t the same for you. We received news of the founding of Ponyville. You probably knew this already, but the farmers living with you there used to be guards at the castle! They retired before the war even started, and I think they lived somewhere near…
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      ~ Act I ~ 07 ~ The Search For Princess Booky ~

      ~ Act I ~ 07 ~ The Search For Princess Booky ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Today is going to be great.” Slamming her book shut, Rarity allowed a deviously pleased smile to grace her lips. She spent at least two library visits planning today, and there was absolutely no way it could or would go wrong. Today, she would stop being the only soul to know of Princess Twilight’s existence. Today, she would henceforth be able to face the odd stares with a bit more confidence. Today, she would no longer be crazy. Today, Fluttershy would meet Twilight, and then she’d…
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      ~ Act I ~ 08 ~ The Last Letter of Fritter Cobbler ~

      ~ Act I ~ 08 ~ The Last Letter of Fritter Cobbler ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Very well, Princess. I think I have all I need to be allowed into the castle.” “You don’t know how long it will be until you return?” “No, but you shouldn’t worry about that. There is no way to tell the time here, so just pretend it’ll just be a few hours!” “I can’t do that…” “You have to try. I have to go now. My brother is waiting for me, and we need to get there before sunset.” “…Please be careful.” “Princess, don’t look so distressed. It…
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      ~ Act I ~ 10 ~ The Party Mare and Her Secret ~

      ~ Act I ~ 10 ~ The Party Mare and Her Secret ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Princess, do you think the Spirit’s cursed other ponies?” “I don’t know, but I really hope not. If he did, I’d never… Anyway, shouldn’t you two go home?” “No? It wouldn’t be a sleepover, then! You know, I bet Sis isn’t afraid of him! She’ll teach him a lesson!” “…I don’t even want to think of her meeting him…” “Well, we’re not scared of him! If he tries anything against us, we’ll get cutie marks in Spirit butt-kicking!” “Spirit…
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      ~ Interlude III ~ A Filly’s Dream ~

      ~ Interlude III ~ A Filly’s Dream ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic A lone hooded filly made her way through a solitary forest, wearing a cape far too large for her small body, which dragged on the ground as she trotted along. Any other filly would have been afraid of the creepy forest, but this little filly knew she didn’t have to be; the single most powerful pony in the entire world was watching over her. She trotted toward a nearby tree, staring at the hollowed hole near the top. She couldn’t reach it from the ground, of course, nor could she reach the…
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      ~ Act II ~ 13 ~ The Princess’ Request ~

      ~ Act II ~ 13 ~ The Princess’ Request ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic The sun had already set and by Rarity’s estimates, they were due to arrive very shortly at Ponyville station. The moon shone its silvery light over the landscape, the soft rays of light filtering through the window and into the small train cabin. Rarity, sitting on the right side of the cabin, looked away from the window and toward the pegasus sitting opposite her. Fluttershy stared out the window, deep in thought, and though she never did say much, she was even more quiet than usual. Her…
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