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    82 Results in the "The Enchanted Library" category

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      A Request

      A Request Cover
      by Monochromatic Princess Luna still found immense comfort in the dream realm. As much as it excited her to be able to actually discover and move around New Equestria, her home—beyond wherever Pinkie was—was the dream realm and all its wonders—the one place she truly felt belonged to her.  But on that night, as she entered her realm, surrounded by thousands of multi-colored doors, she knew something was different.  Namely, that she was not alone.  With a spark of magic, the scenery around her…
    • Chapter

      The Curious Visitor

      The Curious Visitor Cover
      by Monochromatic “Now breathe in… and hold for five. One… Two… Three…” Sitting in the middle of the Boutique’s living room, Princess Twilight Sparkle did as Fluttershy instructed, breathing in and holding for five seconds, one of the many meditation techniques they’d been practicing for the past few days.  When she breathed out, she opened her eyes to find the pegasus smiling proudly at her.  “Very good, Princess! How do you feel?”  “Good!” Twilight…
    • Hi everyone! As it turns out, our e-mail notification system has just… been having a lot of issues, so there’s a chance a bunch of you just haven’t gotten any updates in a looong time! It’s maybe fixed now so hopefully you’re reading this! I pinged every single category so we can reach as many people as we can. If you’re one of the…

    • Hi everyone! First I wanted to say thank you to everyone who reached out during my last blogpost. I haven’t been able to reply to everyone, but know I read everything, and it meant more than any of you can know. I felt so f*cking alone, and all of you plus everyone who came to see me at EFNW reminded me that… that I…

    • Hi everyone! I was on the fence about writing this, but enough people have asked here or on Twitter about my lack of activity, so I thought I should try and write something. Originally I didn’t want to because I felt bad that here was another blogpost explaining the shit I’m going through, but didn’t I leave Fimfiction so I wouldn’t feel that way…

    • The proofs for the TEL books finally came in, and they look GREAT!!! Can’t wait for peeps to be able to hOLD THEM TOO!!!!! Covers were done by lilfunkman c:

    • Hi everyone! It’s been a while, mostly because my life has been complicated for the past few months (I’ve moved to a different place, people have quit at my job so I was doing the work of three people, and other stuff). All of that will be its own post sometime this week, but this post is for BOOKS!! I will be going to…

    • Chapter

      ~ Act II ~ 13 ~ The Unusual Trial of Cinnamon Drop ~

      ~ Act II ~ 13 ~ The Unusual Trial of Cinnamon Drop ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Rarity, we’ve been friends for many years, have we not?” She laughed. “Three weeks hardly qualifies as many years, my dear.” He grinned. “Ah, but is time not relative? For our wonderful friendship, maybe not! But.” He frowned. “For you and Princess Twilight, I’d imagine these three weeks have felt eternal.” The warmth in her expression vanished. Quickly. “...What are you saying, North Ridge?” “I’m saying it seems you’ve taken to old bad habits. Remind me, how…
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