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    82 Results in the "The Enchanted Library" category

    • Hey all! I’m sitting right now at the local Hookah lounge I’ve been frequenting for about two months now, and I’m feeling like a personal blogpost. I’ve talked myself out of them for the past few months, but… I kinda want to do one now, because this IS my own personal website, so technically speaking, I’m… allowed?? I wanted to start this by saying…

    • Chapter

      At The Edge Of The End

      At The Edge Of The End Cover
      by Monochromatic North Ridge typically wasn’t one to hesitate, but in this case, he couldn’t help it. From under the shade of a tree, he observed the nearby sleepy town of Willow’s Bend, for once bustling with life and activity. How could it not, after all, when it was their turn to know the truth that had lurked in Equestria’s shadows for millennia? And yet, he hesitated, even if all reason contended he would have found out the truth one way or another. It was simply inevitable that even if he’d never…
    • Chapter

      The Hollow Shades Conspiracy

      The Hollow Shades Conspiracy Cover
      by Monochromatic For the first time in centuries, or perhaps even since its founding, the town of Hollow Shades closed its doors to visitors. Dozens and dozens of royal guards were posted around the town’s forested entrances, politely keeping outsiders out and explaining that the large domed barrier visible for miles was currently being investigated.  Thank you for understanding, they’d say. Everything is fine. Hollow Shades will be open to visitors soon.  Ordinarily, a statement of this sort would…
    • Story

      In The Dead Of The Night

      In The Dead Of The Night Cover
      by Monochromatic It was always worse at night.
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Sad
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      Nightmares Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight confides in Rarity after both wake up from different nightmares.
      MLP:FiM • hurt/comfort • Rarity • Twilight
    • Hey all!‏‏‎ ‎ Most everyone in my Patreon Discord server knows this, but I want to post it here just more generally.‏‏‎ ‎ I’m finally getting TEC back into gear, and I’ve decided that, possibly permanently, new chapters will go up on here first, and only on Fimfiction once the next chapter has been posted here. ‏‏‎ ‎ This probably won’t apply to my…

    • Story

      waiting in the dark

      waiting in the dark Cover
      by Monochromatic After a terrible nightmare, Princess Twilight Sparkle finds herself comforted by two of the three most important girls in her life.
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • hurt/comfort • RariTwi • Amethyst Sparkle • Lavender Sparkle • Rarity • Twilight
    • Hi everyone! First I wanted to say thank you to everyone who reached out during my last blogpost. I haven’t been able to reply to everyone, but know I read everything, and it meant more than any of you can know. I felt so f*cking alone, and all of you plus everyone who came to see me at EFNW reminded me that… that I…

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