82 Results in the "The Enchanted Library" category
'Til Our Hearts Bleed (2)
Andromeda AU (2)
Blogposts (29)
Bodyguard AU (24)
Chapters (252)
Crimson Lips (48)
Futurama (2)
Lenore's AE (1)
One-shots (157)
Original Fiction (7)
RariTwi AU (8)
Recommendations (1)
Sapphire Eyes (2)
Stories (100)
The Enchanted Carousel (32)
The Enchanted Era (13)
The Enchanted Kingdom (51)
The Last Resort (9)
TLR Sidestories (1)
Uncategorized (3)
- "A stallion asked for you earlier," North Ridge said, glancing towards the mare sitting beside him. "He saw us talking last night." "Did he?" she asked, and a knowing smile graced her lips. "Thought you were my father again? Asked if he could meet me and woo me off my hooves?" North let out a hearty laugh. "Indeed! You're quite the catch, Rarity!" "And I am already caught," she replied. Her expression then shifted, turned somber. "Did you...? And so did he lose his mirth. "I told him the same I…
- 231.2 K • Completed
- An eternity seemed to pass by for Rarity as she and the princess engaged in an impromptu staring contest, the little owl looking back and forth between the two mares. “Are you the Book Bringer?” the princess asked, receiving no answer from the shocked unicorn. Things were not going the way Rarity had imagined they would. Granted, she had never actually planned on meeting the spirit of an Equestrian princess, but she would have expected more… screaming and soul-banishing. At least she could…
- 352.1 K • Completed
- Though it was North Ridge who'd agreed to travel with her to Ponyville, Rarity was the one to list three conditions for their travels. First, they were to travel only during the night, when all ponies slept; second, he was not to speak of her to anypony without her explicit permission; and third, they would travel alone without exception. With little hesitation, he agreed. How could he not, knowing what he knew? The sun shone over a normal Saturday morning in Ponyville. Ponies trotted along…
- 231.2 K • Completed
- Once upon a time, nestled in a comfy bed and somepony's embrace, an alicorn stirred awake. A yawn escaped her lips, and upon opening her eyes, she saw the night sky beyond the bedroom window, filled with stars and constellations. They were distant and faded, beautiful and clear all at once, and she named each one in her head. At the back of her mind, she thought the stars in her dreams had never been clearer. She closed her eyes, a smile blooming on her lips, and it felt like the soft pillow under…
- 231.2 K • Completed
- Rarity did not believe in fairy tales. As much as she loved to read them, she knew no dashing savior would come and sweep her off her hooves, she knew no dragons guarded kidnapped damsels in distress, and she was positive the tale of The Princess in the Library was nothing but a myth. Her younger sister, however, begged to differ. “Once upon a time, in Equestria’s distant past, there were four princesses, not just one.” Sweetie Belle’s voice drifted up from the floor below,…
- 352.1 K • Completed
- Carousel Boutique had never looked emptier and, in fact, it had never been emptier. Most of her things had already been carted away, taken to the train that would lead her to a new life away from Ponyville. Away from her family. Away from the Everfree Forest, and away from… her. “Rarity… I don’t want you to go…” Trotting out of Carousel Boutique, Rarity stopped and embraced the little filly trailing behind her, whose hot tears stained her elder sister’s coat. Pinkie Pie was…
- 352.1 K • Completed
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