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    82 Results in the "The Enchanted Library" category

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      ~ Act I ~ 07 ~ The Search For Princess Booky ~

      ~ Act I ~ 07 ~ The Search For Princess Booky ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Today is going to be great.” Slamming her book shut, Rarity allowed a deviously pleased smile to grace her lips. She spent at least two library visits planning today, and there was absolutely no way it could or would go wrong. Today, she would stop being the only soul to know of Princess Twilight’s existence. Today, she would henceforth be able to face the odd stares with a bit more confidence. Today, she would no longer be crazy. Today, Fluttershy would meet Twilight, and then she’d…
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      ~ Act I ~ 06 ~ The Broken Promise ~

      ~ Act I ~ 06 ~ The Broken Promise ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Monday morning arrived to the sound of singing birds and… hooting owls? Back at home, Rarity rolled over in her bed and stifled a yawn. She took off her sleeping mask and looked toward the window, her eyes adjusting to the rays of bright sunlight filtering in. To her surprise, she was met with the sight of a familiar white owl standing on the windowsill, who hooted twice when Rarity looked at her. Elara? What’s she doing here? Never before had Elara actually traveled out beyond the forest…
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      ~ Act I ~ 06 ~ The Breath of Truth ~

      ~ Act I ~ 06 ~ The Breath of Truth ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic In retrospect, she probably shouldn’t have downed that glass of punch. “Twilight?” Cadance’s voice rang in the air as Rarity rubbed her hoof in circles on Twilight’s back. “Are you okay?” “I’m working on that,” replied Twilight, massaging her forehead and looking up. Gathered around a large table, her eyes scanned the plethora of strangers who awaited what she had to say, and… And it was a sobering thought, if she had to admit to anypony but herself and maybe Rarity; that out…
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      ~ Act I ~ 05 ~ The Dragon Library ~

      ~ Act I ~ 05 ~ The Dragon Library ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Shining Armor, is it true?! Are you ordering the soldiers back to the castle?! You can’t!” “Cadance and I have no choice. You saw how the court reacted to the news! We can’t risk throwing the rest of the kingdom into a panic! We have to think of—” “No! What about Princess Celestia and Luna?! What about Twilight?! They’re out there! You need to send more soldiers to the Ponyville Fore—” “She’s not there! You told us yourself that she was gone!” “I, I was wrong! We…
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      ~ Act I ~ 05 ~ The Change of Perspective ~

      ~ Act I ~ 05 ~ The Change of Perspective ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic He hated to see her cry. He wished Frost Flower were there, for she always knew what to do. He wished she were there all the time. “Have I told you about Frost Flower?” North asked, poking at the campfire with a stick. She looked up, eyes sparkling with tears. “Your wife? No, you haven’t.” “I met her a few days after I’d first left Equestria. We were both going to Lake Iridescence by boat, and she was my cabin mate." He paused, and he ached for his wife. "Never seen a creature…
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      ~ Act I ~ 04 ~ The Princess Parade ~

      ~ Act I ~ 04 ~ The Princess Parade ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Shining Armor, I… I don’t think he will surrender peacefully…” “Princess Celestia wouldn’t do it if she didn’t think it would work, Twilight.” “But… I’m afraid… If it doesn’t work, Princess Celestia told me I’ll have to… What if I can’t stop him? What if I can’t wield the Eleme—” “Twily, if it comes to that, you will be able to stop him. And remember, Cadance and I will be here to help you always.” “An instant…
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      ~ Act I ~ 04 ~ The Ladybugs Awake ~

      ~ Act I ~ 04 ~ The Ladybugs Awake ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic It was the first time North Ridge had seen him. He’d returned to the inn, intending on retiring for the night, and as he stepped into the hallway to find his room, he saw an older stallion exiting hers. The stallion noticed him as well, turning his yellow eyes towards North. “It’s you.” The words tumbled out of his mouth, and the foreign stallion smiled in delight. He did not speak, and instead, North watched with surprise as he vanished into thin air. Once the shock wore off, he rushed…
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      ~ Act I ~ 03 ~ The Questions in the Labyrinth ~

      ~ Act I ~ 03 ~ The Questions in the Labyrinth ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “Twilight, how are we supposed to live here?” “The princess will help me build a library here, Spike. I need to have my books nearby during my research if we want to find a weapon to stop him.” “But… how are we supposed to hide from him with a library here? He will find it! It isn’t as if we can build a secret library under the tree…” “…Spike, you just gave me a great idea…” The history of the Everfree Forest was shrouded in as much mystery as…
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