82 Results in the "The Enchanted Library" category
'Til Our Hearts Bleed (2)
Andromeda AU (2)
Blogposts (29)
Bodyguard AU (24)
Chapters (252)
Crimson Lips (48)
Futurama (2)
Lenore's AE (1)
One-shots (157)
Original Fiction (7)
RariTwi AU (8)
Recommendations (1)
Sapphire Eyes (2)
Stories (100)
The Enchanted Carousel (32)
The Enchanted Era (13)
The Enchanted Kingdom (51)
The Last Resort (9)
TLR Sidestories (1)
Uncategorized (3)
- Though it was North Ridge who'd agreed to travel with her to Ponyville, Rarity was the one to list three conditions for their travels. First, they were to travel only during the night, when all ponies slept; second, he was not to speak of her to anypony without her explicit permission; and third, they would travel alone without exception. With little hesitation, he agreed. How could he not, knowing what he knew? The sun shone over a normal Saturday morning in Ponyville. Ponies trotted along…
- 231.2 K • Completed
- Once upon a time, nestled in a comfy bed and somepony's embrace, an alicorn stirred awake. A yawn escaped her lips, and upon opening her eyes, she saw the night sky beyond the bedroom window, filled with stars and constellations. They were distant and faded, beautiful and clear all at once, and she named each one in her head. At the back of her mind, she thought the stars in her dreams had never been clearer. She closed her eyes, a smile blooming on her lips, and it felt like the soft pillow under…
- 231.2 K • Completed
- On the northwestern-border of Equestria and The Undiscovered West, at the edge of Luna Bay, rested a small forgotten village by the name of Moon Shine. It did not feature on most maps as there was nothing remarkable about it beyond twenty houses, a run-down shop, a small school, a tiny post-office, and an inn older than all of the villagers combined. If somepony had asked North Ridge when was the last time he'd stepped into an Equestrian town, the only truly accurate reply would be thirty-two years ago.…
- 231.2 K • Completed
- Apple Crisp was just a foal when he met the Spirit of Chaos. It happened on a normal day of a normal week of perhaps an unusual year. To little Crisp, there was nothing wrong with the kingdom of Equestria. The wars his father spoke of late at night seemed unreal, distant, and it felt to the foal as if Lone Tree Valley was the safest place in the land—right after his old home, Canter Capital. On that particularly normal day, the entire Apple Family had gathered around for an early dinner. Uncle…
- 352.1 K • Completed
- It had been nearly a week and a half since Elara had taken up temporary residence at Fluttershy’s cottage. Rarity thought it a testament to Twilight’s growing trust in them that she didn’t protest—too much—at having the owl away from home. Rarity knew how important the owl was to Twilight, though—and so when Elara was ready to go, she wasted no time in picking her up, telling the Cutie Mark Crusaders “no, for the twentieth time, you cannot come along today,” and heading off to the…
- 352.1 K • Completed
- “What do you think she’s doing down there?” “I haven’t the faintest idea.” In front of the spiral staircase, Rarity and Fluttershy observed the magical barrier cocooning the stairway entrance to the lower floor with curiosity. The barrier had been there since they’d first arrived, and it prevented them from investigating the loud sounds rattling downstairs. From what Twilight had said the day before, Rarity had been afraid she’d be the only applicant to an intense training regime,…
- 352.1 K • Completed
- The sun had already set and by Rarity’s estimates, they were due to arrive very shortly at Ponyville station. The moon shone its silvery light over the landscape, the soft rays of light filtering through the window and into the small train cabin. Rarity, sitting on the right side of the cabin, looked away from the window and toward the pegasus sitting opposite her. Fluttershy stared out the window, deep in thought, and though she never did say much, she was even more quiet than usual. Her…
- 352.1 K • Completed
- A lone hooded filly made her way through a solitary forest, wearing a cape far too large for her small body, which dragged on the ground as she trotted along. Any other filly would have been afraid of the creepy forest, but this little filly knew she didn’t have to be; the single most powerful pony in the entire world was watching over her. She trotted toward a nearby tree, staring at the hollowed hole near the top. She couldn’t reach it from the ground, of course, nor could she reach the…
- 352.1 K • Completed
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