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    157 Results in the "One-shots" category

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      Chapter 1

      Chapter 1 Cover
      by Monochromatic “If your life was a book, what would it be about?” It was lucky that Ponyville’s streets were empty, or else Rarity wouldn't have heard Twilight’s voice. She’d barely slept the previous night, staying up until six in the morning working on an order for a client, so her drowsy mind still had trouble processing sounds. It certainly didn’t help that it was a particularly chilly morning, and her scarf was doing absolutely nothing to alleviate the cold. Twilight had stopped in front of a wall,…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
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      Stay The Night

      Stay The Night Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight asks Rarity an important question: Will she stay the night? Her answer is almost always the same. Maybe that’s why Twilight keeps asking.
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rarity • Twilight
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      Flying on Cloud Nine

      Flying on Cloud Nine Cover
      by Monochromatic Avoiding social entanglements at Canterlot galas can be quite a tricky business for Rarity. Luckily, Rarity has a very beautiful alicorn princess to help with that.
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Celestia • Rarity
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      VII. The Request

      VII. The Request Cover
      by Monochromatic There would be no backing down here. No conceding, no making allowances, no losing. Ripple might be the director, but she was Ambris Knot. He had a big office, sure, decorated with all sorts of antique relics and rare books, but the library itself was her office. She was the heart and soul of that entire place, and—! And—! “Yes, I know you have tenure, Ambris,” Director Ripple said with a big, boisterous laugh, adjusting the sleeves of his suit before folding his hands on his desk.…
      MLP:EQG • Slice of Life • Ambris Knot • Daring Do • OC
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      VIII – X

      VIII – X Cover
      by Monochromatic VIII. Piercing Fire I heard somewhere, sometime, that no two individuals can be together without breaking another’s heart. He was invaluable, to you and to me. Even now, even today, it is hard to consider our life together without him being a part of it. Even if he was a child, regardless of whether it was a mere crush or more, you cared so much about him—even at the cost of us.   The train had been delayed, do you remember? Some unfortunate accident of the sort, a rockslide or engine…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rarity • Twilight
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