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    157 Results in the "One-shots" category

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      Routine Company

      Routine Company Cover
      by Monochromatic After a long day working, Twilight realizes Rarity hasn’t come over to bother her at all, and honestly, that’s even more distracting than the actual act of distracting her.
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      Something isn’t right.

      Something isn’t right. Cover
      by Monochromatic “I have to admit this is kinda weird,” Twilight Sparkle said, readjusting herself on the picnic mat for the umptenth time, offering an awkward smile at… well, herself. It had been several hours already since she’d met her counterpart, but she felt she’d never get used to it. “But it is fascinating, though! Why do you think you need glasses and I don’t?” Twilight, the human one, laughed timidly, adjusting said glasses. “I don’t know? Maybe it has to do with our… er… natural forms,…
      MLP:EQG • Comedy • Slice of Life • Main 6 • Main 7 (EQG) • Pinkie Pie • Pinkie Pie (EQG) • Twilight
    • Story

      The Swap

      The Swap Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight thought she’d had enough excitement for one day after meeting her human counterpart. Or so she thought until she was met with the uncanny feeling that Pinkie Pie was acting, well, a bit too equestrian.
      MLP:EQG • Comedy • Slice of Life • Main 6 • Main 7 (EQG) • Pinkie Pie • Pinkie Pie (EQG) • Twilight
    • Chapter

      Obituaries, darling, obituaries.

      Obituaries, darling, obituaries. Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight Sparkle. How does… How does one describe Twilight Sparkle? How can one truly and sincerely hope to capture on paper a pony as interesting as she? I never knew how to do so in life, and now in death, I still don’t. But I shall try. I am dead, I should say. It admittedly slipped my mind to establish this rather vital fact, but if you have lived a life as long as mine, then you’ve learned a few things, including the fact that details hardly matter in the grand scheme of things. Details…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
    • Story

      Beyond The Grave

      Beyond The Grave Cover
      by Monochromatic Only in death do we value what we love most. Rarity would gladly tell you so considering she did die and all.
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      A quiet conversation

      A quiet conversation Cover
      by Monochromatic “You have one hour before you die,” he said, staring out the window and into the night sky. He snapped his thin fingers and a clock appeared before him. “Actually, you have one hour, five minutes and thirty-two seconds.” “Why! That’s not a lot,” noted Mayor Mare from her bed, tucked under covers that had always kept her warm. She blinked at him. “And you are?” He smiled. “Death,” he said, wanting to change up the answer to a question he’d been asked thrice already. He wasn’t…
      MLP:FiM • Death • Slice of Life • Discord • Mayor Mare
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      Without a Hitch

      Without a Hitch Cover
      by Monochromatic All Mayor Mare wants is for everything to go perfectly. Her death is no exception.
      MLP:FiM • Death • Slice of Life • Discord • Mayor Mare
    • Chapter

      And Perfect Makes Practice?

      And Perfect Makes Practice? Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight Sparkle was having a hard time processing the statement. “You what?” From the other side of the room, Rarity looked up from the dress she was working on and found her marefriend staring at her with bewildered eyes. "I can't believe Rainbow Dash told you that I was nervous at the idea of asking you out." "No, the other thing." She blinked once, twice, thrice. “Oh. That yes, it's true. I even remember practicing how to ask you out in front of a mirror,” she repeated…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rarity • Twilight
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