157 Results in the "One-shots" category
'Til Our Hearts Bleed (2)
Andromeda AU (2)
Blogposts (29)
Bodyguard AU (24)
Chapters (252)
Crimson Lips (48)
Futurama (2)
Lenore's AE (1)
Original Fiction (7)
RariTwi AU (8)
Recommendations (1)
Sapphire Eyes (2)
Stories (100)
The Enchanted Carousel (32)
The Enchanted Era (13)
The Enchanted Kingdom (51)
The Enchanted Library (126)
The Last Resort (9)
TLR Sidestories (1)
Uncategorized (3)
- Story
The Unexpected Date
If there was something that broke Rarity’s heart more than seeing her best friend getting stood up, it was seeing Twilight go back to the library with a matching broken heart. Luckily for Twilight, Rarity would be damned if she let that happen.- 4.5 K • Nov 21, '21
- Chapter
Chapter 1
“If your life was a book, what would it be about?” It was lucky that Ponyville’s streets were empty, or else Rarity wouldn't have heard Twilight’s voice. She’d barely slept the previous night, staying up until six in the morning working on an order for a client, so her drowsy mind still had trouble processing sounds. It certainly didn’t help that it was a particularly chilly morning, and her scarf was doing absolutely nothing to alleviate the cold. Twilight had stopped in front of a wall,…- 4.5 K • Oneshot
- Mayor Mare launched a project inviting ponies to write their autobiographies for storage in the Castle’s Library. However, despite her thrilling life, Rarity simply didn’t have the time to sit down and write her autobiography, no matter how badly Twilight wanted her to do it. Then again, she wasn’t all that good at not catering to the alicorn’s every adorable whim.
- 4.5 K • Nov 21, '21
- Chapter
A call for help
‘Twas the morning before Hearth’s Warming, when all through the town, ponies ran out, doing shopping they’d forgotten about. The chatter filled the air, and the laughing did as well, of mares and stallions, colts and fillies, preparing their day for a wonderful eve. A beautiful town this was. But we don’t care about this town. Well, not yet, at least! Our holiday story starts somewhere decidedly less pleasant. It starts in a snowstorm and with a poor little mailmare desperately…- 4.5 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
Bedtime Story
Note to those reading the multi-chapter "The Enchanted Library" : This is the original fic that inspired the proper EL multi chapter. This is NOT canon to the multi-chapter as this was written without having a continuation planned therefore had I used this as canon, there would be a lot of plotholes and difficulties and it would be a mess. Take this as a first draft, of sorts. Again, if you are reading the multi-chapter, please keep in mind this is not canon to that timeline or fic so there will…- 4.3 K • Completed
- Most everypony knew what manner of creature Princess Twilight Sparkle was. The Sphinx king and queen of Saddle Arabia had tried for many years to keep it quiet, keep it hidden, this disgraceful tarnish in their otherwise pristine reputation, but everypony knew their daughter, Princess Twilight Sparkle, was an illegitimate child—and a half-breed, at that. The product of an affair between the king himself and an equestrian chamber maid. And now she was to be a ruler of Equestria. "I don't think…
- 4.1 K • Oneshot
- Story
The Sphinx’s Riddle
Rarity had always known she would have an arranged marriage — such was the life of a princess, after all. She just hadn’t expected her wife to be a sphinx or that she would actively avoid her, and not just because she loves books.- 4.1 K • Nov 21, '21
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