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    158 Results in the "One-shots" category

    • Story

      Neither of them spoke

      Neither of them spoke Cover
      by Monochromatic During a simple winter day lunch with Twilight Sparkle, Sweetie Belle learns there’s a lot she doesn’t know about her sister.
      MLP:FiM • RariTwi • Romance • Slice of Life • Sweetie Belle • Twilight
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      A short story.

      A short story. Cover
      by Monochromatic This is a happy story. It was a rainy autumn day when I told Twilight Sparkle I loved her. I believe it happened about a year before she became an alicorn. We’d been having dinner at a restaurant in Canterlot, and after a wonderfully expensive dessert, I told her and she refused to believe me. “Really?” she’d asked me, stunned, flustered, delighted. She was so stunned, this silly little scholar who’d assumed I’d never be romantically interested in a bookworm who knew about many…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Sad • Slice of Life • Rarity • Twilight
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      Soup Cover
      by Monochromatic Neither of them spoke. Only the town did. It coughed through a stallion walking past them, his body wrapped in layers of warm clothes. It sang through the three carolers standing outside the restaurant’s gates, ignoring the annoyed glances coming from nearby patrons. It cried and laughed and lived through the endless symphony created by ponies living their lives that December afternoon. But it was quiet when it came to Twilight Sparkle and Sweetie Belle. There they sat on an outside table, as…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Sweetie Belle • Twilight
    • Story

      A Novel Disaster

      A Novel Disaster Cover
      by Monochromatic When Twilight Sparkle acquired the Power Pony comic-book spell, she thought all her bookworm dreams had come true. Sadly, her plans to live through every Daring Do novel are cut short when Rarity asks they try a romance novel.
      MLP:FiM • Comedy • Romance • Rarity • Twilight
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      In Everything But Name

      In Everything But Name Cover
      by Monochromatic Faced with the implications and changes brought about by Twilight’s coronation, Rarity must contend with what it might mean for their relationship. A relationship, you see, that lives and dies by the dozens of books quietly stashed away in the back of her closet.
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Main 6 • Rarity • Twilight
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      Feverish Ramblings

      Feverish Ramblings Cover
      by Monochromatic It had been a long, long time since the ghostly Princess Twilight had been ill, but this did not mean she couldn’t tell when someone was ill. Rarity, the unicorn who’d been consistently visiting her for at least two months now, was supposed to visit that day. She was supposed to arrive early in the morning, bringing the two books Twilight had lent her. By the time Twilight’s newly-gifted modern clock struck noon, Rarity had not arrived… not that Twilight had completely noticed, as…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Romance • Slice of Life • Rarity • Twilight
    • Story

      The Choices We Make

      The Choices We Make Cover
      by Monochromatic Every Friday, from five in the afternoon to eleven at night, Pinkie Pie does volunteer work. She doesn’t have to do it, the world won’t stop if she doesn’t, but she chooses to do it anyway. Even if it’s doing seemingly insignificant little things. It is a matter of life and death, after all. Literally.
    • Chapter

      The Meeting [1/5]

      The Meeting [1/5] Cover
      by Monochromatic The Grand Galloping Gala was the single most important event of the night, but Twilight always did… find it a bit boring after a while. With Princess Celestia off talking to some random nobles, Twilight herself had nopony to talk with really. She surveyed the area from atop the staircase, hoping to find somepony who looked like they needed help. A lot of nobles from neighbouring kingdoms usually attended the event, and she doubted very much that none of them needed some kind of assistance. Maybe a tour?…
      MLP:FiM • Alt. Universe • Romance • Fluttershy • Rarity • Twilight
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