252 Results in the "Chapters" category
'Til Our Hearts Bleed (2)
Andromeda AU (2)
Blogposts (29)
Bodyguard AU (24)
Crimson Lips (48)
Futurama (2)
Lenore's AE (1)
One-shots (157)
Original Fiction (7)
RariTwi AU (8)
Recommendations (1)
Sapphire Eyes (2)
Stories (100)
The Enchanted Carousel (32)
The Enchanted Era (13)
The Enchanted Kingdom (51)
The Enchanted Library (126)
The Last Resort (9)
TLR Sidestories (1)
Uncategorized (3)
- The woman always stopped by the shop every other day at precisely six in the afternoon. In fact, Rarity thought, her eyes trained on her watch’s hands ticking ever so close to six, she should be here any minute now. She—as in, Rarity—probably oughtn’t to be so obvious about it, should she? No, I shouldn’t, she told herself, walking over to the cash register and pretending to look busy counting the bills she’d already counted before. One, two, three, four— Ding, ding! chimed…
- 1.2 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
Kill it with fire
It was a quiet evening all through the castle. Four guards were posted outside Princess Rarity’s bedroom, each more bored than the last. This was good in the sense that it meant all was technically well but wrong in the sense that a bored guard meant a less attentive guard. Thankfully, the sound of a hoof slamming against the floor quickly put them on high alert. “Can you at least try not to look like you want to sleep?” Twilight Sparkle barked, meeting their sheepish…- 1.7 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
Of Bridges and Buses
We are all stories in the end. Your heart will stop, your breath will cease, your flesh will rot, but your story? It will live on and on, in the memories of those around you, in the dozens upon dozens of little echoes you left in your old apartment, in the corner of the local bar, in the scars you left while living on Earth. Two people sit at a bus stop. What they look like isn’t important. Neither are their names. The one on the left holds a paper in their left hand, the thin…- 7.8 K • Ongoing
- Chapter
A Request
Princess Luna still found immense comfort in the dream realm. As much as it excited her to be able to actually discover and move around New Equestria, her home—beyond wherever Pinkie was—was the dream realm and all its wonders—the one place she truly felt belonged to her. But on that night, as she entered her realm, surrounded by thousands of multi-colored doors, she knew something was different. Namely, that she was not alone. With a spark of magic, the scenery around her…- 25.1 K • Ongoing
- Chapter
The Curious Visitor
“Now breathe in… and hold for five. One… Two… Three…” Sitting in the middle of the Boutique’s living room, Princess Twilight Sparkle did as Fluttershy instructed, breathing in and holding for five seconds, one of the many meditation techniques they’d been practicing for the past few days. When she breathed out, she opened her eyes to find the pegasus smiling proudly at her. “Very good, Princess! How do you feel?” “Good!” Twilight…- 25.1 K • Ongoing
- Chapter
"I read in a book today," Fluttershy said, once, sitting on her cottage's floor as she brushed Angel's coat, "that you can pinpoint somepony's entire personality to a single or a few defining childhood events." "I can agree with that," Rarity had replied, idly lying on her friend's couch as she waited for the clock to strike three and she'd leave to meet Twilight for a picnic-date. "Really? What were yours?" When Rarity was little, her mother once helped her make a care package for…- 2.5 K • Completed
- Chapter
She could have been heartless and let her fears convince her to say no. It had been a rainy autumn day when Rarity had first told her she loved her, about a year before her ascension. They’d been having dinner at a restaurant in Canterlot, and after an expensive dessert, Rarity had said it, and Twilight? Twilight had almost refused to believe it. “Really?” she’d asked, stunned, flustered, delighted. Stunned because for so long she’d assumed Rarity would never be…- 2.4 K • Oneshot
- “Rarity, we’ve been friends for many years, have we not?” She laughed. “Three weeks hardly qualifies as many years, my dear.” He grinned. “Ah, but is time not relative? For our wonderful friendship, maybe not! But.” He frowned. “For you and Princess Twilight, I’d imagine these three weeks have felt eternal.” The warmth in her expression vanished. Quickly. “...What are you saying, North Ridge?” “I’m saying it seems you’ve taken to old bad habits. Remind me, how…
- 231.2 K • Completed
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