252 Results in the "Chapters" category
'Til Our Hearts Bleed (2)
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One-shots (157)
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Sapphire Eyes (2)
Stories (100)
The Enchanted Carousel (32)
The Enchanted Era (13)
The Enchanted Kingdom (51)
The Enchanted Library (126)
The Last Resort (9)
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- The unicorn duo sat across from each other, two glasses of flavored soda water in front of them. “Twilight Sparkle,” said Rarity, not a hint of compassion in her voice, “you are lying to me.” “I am not,” insisted Twilight. “It was great!” Rarity raised an eyebrow. “And you’ve done it again. More lying.” Twilight locked eyes with her marefriend. “Rarity. Please, I’m telling you. I liked it.” Rarity contemplated her for one, two, three seconds. Her horn glowed, and…
- 2.8 K • Ongoing
- The pink pegasus Tranquil Heartmender was slowly becoming a prominent therapist in Canterlot. It wasn’t just because of her very affordable rate of one bit an hour, but mostly because she was very good at her job. Which made sense considering her actual name was Princess Luna and her actual job was essentially dream therapy. She just felt sometimes ponies needed to, well, actually be awake and remember her teachings to improve, and also she liked acting like a common pony. Currently, however, she…
- 2.8 K • Ongoing
- Chapter
A Pressing Question
As she made her way through the Everfree Forest, Rarity occupied her time mentally reviewing important events for the upcoming weeks. First, she had a few commission deadlines to complete, then there was that super-deluxe spa treatment next Thursday, and that was it. Wait, no, she thought, feeling a little embarrassed at forgetting. Father’s birthday is next week. I need to send him a present sometime before the weekend. Her communication with her parents was rather scarce, to be…- 1.2 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
The old castle
It started with intruders. Or, more accurately, it started in the library. Andromeda allowed her to spend a few hours every day there, which Rarity was appreciative of. Better the library than her gloomy room-slash-prison. She turned the pages of her book in slow motions, her ears flicking at the sound the pages made when they brushed together. Truth be told, she wasn’t all that interested in the content of the book. The castle’s public library had no novels or books about things that would…- 4.6 K • Oneshot
- Twilight Sparkle (the horse one) quickly made her way through the busy streets of the city (the human one), clutching in her hand a piece of parchment with a very worrying note from Celestia (the princess one). When she turned around the corner, her eyes narrowed at the sight of her large, gray, and dreary destination: CERFEX BANK. Her brisk walk became a jog, which then became a run when she remembered what exactly was at stake. Please, don’t let me be late. Pushing…
- 1.2 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
The Tooth Hurts, Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash was so friggin’ excited. Not only was she hanging out with her friends, but they were also taking her to a SUPER COOL SECRET PARK that she’d never been to before! So secret she was even blindfolded and stuff! Man, she’d make a cool secret agent. Anyway. “Never been to this one?” she asked as her friends guided her towards… wherever. “I dunno, girls. I’ve been to a LOT of parks.” “You’ve never been to this one,” Rarity said,…- 853 • Oneshot
- Chapter
It was a dark and stormy night, but mostly because Rainbow Dash had made it so. Not that those dumb ponyvillians would get it anyway. Noooo, we want a nice Seeking Night, they said. Noooo, storm clouds are scary, they said. Well, DUH! That was the entire frickin’ point of Seeking Night! It was a scary event! Some messed up spirit locked three ponies away FOREVER! It’s not supposed to be a cute kiddie hide-and-seek event. It’s supposed to teach foals lessons of life like ‘Don’t go…- 1.8 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
Gloves Left in Drawers
When dear Aqua Swing settled down at the Sapphire’s lobby desk that Monday morning, putting down her cup of tea and organizing her papers, she hadn’t expected much of the day. It was a day like any other, she thought, with events she could prepare for such as: Clients being late, as always. Rainbow Dash ‘dealing’ with a few bad apples. Rainbow Dash flirting with Shimmer Glass, and Aqua having to scold her to get her on her way. My good self descending from my room at some point and sullenly…- 119.3 K • Completed
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