252 Results in the "Chapters" category
'Til Our Hearts Bleed (2)
Andromeda AU (2)
Blogposts (29)
Bodyguard AU (24)
Crimson Lips (48)
Futurama (2)
Lenore's AE (1)
One-shots (157)
Original Fiction (7)
RariTwi AU (8)
Recommendations (1)
Sapphire Eyes (2)
Stories (100)
The Enchanted Carousel (32)
The Enchanted Era (13)
The Enchanted Kingdom (51)
The Enchanted Library (126)
The Last Resort (9)
TLR Sidestories (1)
Uncategorized (3)
- Chapter
The old castle
It started with intruders. Or, more accurately, it started in the library. Andromeda allowed her to spend a few hours every day there, which Rarity was appreciative of. Better the library than her gloomy room-slash-prison. She turned the pages of her book in slow motions, her ears flicking at the sound the pages made when they brushed together. Truth be told, she wasn’t all that interested in the content of the book. The castle’s public library had no novels or books about things that would…- 4.6 K • Oneshot
- Twilight Sparkle (the horse one) quickly made her way through the busy streets of the city (the human one), clutching in her hand a piece of parchment with a very worrying note from Celestia (the princess one). When she turned around the corner, her eyes narrowed at the sight of her large, gray, and dreary destination: CERFEX BANK. Her brisk walk became a jog, which then became a run when she remembered what exactly was at stake. Please, don’t let me be late. Pushing…
- 1.2 K • Oneshot
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The Tooth Hurts, Rainbow Dash
Rainbow Dash was so friggin’ excited. Not only was she hanging out with her friends, but they were also taking her to a SUPER COOL SECRET PARK that she’d never been to before! So secret she was even blindfolded and stuff! Man, she’d make a cool secret agent. Anyway. “Never been to this one?” she asked as her friends guided her towards… wherever. “I dunno, girls. I’ve been to a LOT of parks.” “You’ve never been to this one,” Rarity said,…- 853 • Oneshot
- Chapter
It was a dark and stormy night, but mostly because Rainbow Dash had made it so. Not that those dumb ponyvillians would get it anyway. Noooo, we want a nice Seeking Night, they said. Noooo, storm clouds are scary, they said. Well, DUH! That was the entire frickin’ point of Seeking Night! It was a scary event! Some messed up spirit locked three ponies away FOREVER! It’s not supposed to be a cute kiddie hide-and-seek event. It’s supposed to teach foals lessons of life like ‘Don’t go…- 1.8 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
The Great Big Vast
When Sophia was a child, she and her mother would have Sunday morning picnics at a park near their home. They would sit under the shade of a big oak tree and lay out a green picnic mat with yellow polka dots. Once they were both sitting down, her mother would make a great show out of presenting Sophia with her meal, which usually consisted of either pasta or a sandwich. She would get a store-bought cookie if she’d been especially good that week. Her mother, on the other hand, always ate tuna.…- 7.8 K • Ongoing
- Chapter
Also Trixie is there
The dead leaves cracked under Twilight’s hooves as she raced through the forest, desperate to reach Rarity’s tower. Maybe it wasn’t too late. Maybe, just maybe, she could reach her before Father Discord did. Please, please, please. A minute later, her sight landed on the secret entrance to the tower’s valley, hidden away from lost souls. She doubled her speed and pushed through the thick foliage, a great relief pouring over her at the sight of the massive single white tower in the…- 1.5 K • Oneshot
- Chapter
There’s no delicate way to ask
It was a summer afternoon when Rarity decided to ask Applejack her question. They’d been back from Rainbow Falls for about five days now, and while at first she decided the matter wasn’t worth pursuing, the fact that she was still caught up on it five days later meant she was better off just addressing it. It being the fact that Applejack somehow knew that Rarity had five identical jeweled barrettes sitting in her private jewelry box that wasn’t to be touched by anypony save for…- 1.5 K • Oneshot
- Today happened to be a very important day for Princess Rarity of Equestria. Lady Cadance, the young pegasi ruler of the Crystal Empire, was visiting the castle for the first time that day, which Twilight knew was significant to Rarity for one reason and one reason only: Lady Cadance was very beautiful, and Rarity very clearly wanted to fawn all over her. “Do you think she’ll like me?” Princess Rarity asked dreamily for the tenth time that hour, lying on her bed and admiring an…
- 9.4 K • Oneshot
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