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    252 Results in the "Chapters" category

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      Agitation (ft. Celestia and Luna)

      Agitation (ft. Celestia and Luna) Cover
      by Monochromatic "Sister." Luna took a deep breath, trying her best to navigate what could easily be a terrible conversation. "Is there something you wish to speak of?" From across the breakfast table, Celestia blinked. "What do you mean, Luna?" Luna cleared her throat. "I sense…" Careful, Luna, careful. "I sense something is amiss with you. An agitation deep within you. An agitation that should be dealt with as it may… surface in unwelcome ways." Celestia frowned. "Agitation? I'm perfectly fine," she replied.…
      MLP:FiM • Comedy • Celestia • Luna
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      Marriage Intervention (ft. Mane6, and the Factual Canon Twilight ship)

      Marriage Intervention (ft. Mane6, and the Factual Canon Twilight ship) Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight Sparkle looked beautiful in her white wedding dress, her mane held back with a beautiful floral arrangement. She looked like a dream, frankly, even despite the great frown marring her face. Her friends surrounded her, sporting equally great frowns. “Twilight,” Rarity pleaded, so opposed to the wedding she didn’t even bother to wear a dress. “You can’t do this. There is still time to call this off! Please.” Twilight didn’t deign Rarity with a look. She just stared at the…
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      Chess Cover
      by Monochromatic Twilight had been sitting in the corner by herself for about thirty minutes now, wide-eyed and staring at the chessboard atop a nearby table. “Wow,” she said for the fifth time in two minutes. “Wow.” Sitting a few ways away, a concerned Applejack and Fluttershy observed her, whispering amongst each other. “Look at her,” said the farmer. “I’ve never seen her like this.” Fluttershy gulped. “I know… Rarity really did… a good job…?” Applejack laughed. “Good job? She…
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      Double Date Surprise (ft. RariTwi, AppleDash)

      Double Date Surprise (ft. RariTwi, AppleDash) Cover
      by Monochromatic “Geez, I can’t wait to get there,” Rainbow Dash said, leading Applejack, Rarity, and Twilight toward the place she’d chosen for their double date. “I’m starving!” She looked back to her marefriend and two friends. “How are you girls doing?” “I’m plenty hungry, hun” Applejack said, offering her marefriend a smile. “Where are ya’ taking us again?” “It’s supposed to be a surprise!” Rainbow exclaimed, sticking her tongue out. “I’m totally going to blow last…
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      Couple’s Therapy (ft. Luna, Twilight, ???, ???)

      Couple’s Therapy (ft. Luna, Twilight, ???, ???) Cover
      by Monochromatic Tranquil Heartmender, also known as the disguised therapist form of Princess Luna, prepared herself for today’s clients. All she knew was that they were requesting extreme privacy (she didn’t even know who they were) and that it was a couple going through a rough patch. Three knocks at the door startled her. She glanced at the clock on the wall. Five minutes early? “Come in!” she called. The door opened, and Luna forced herself not to react when who walked in but Twilight Sparkle…
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      Liar, Liar (ft. Twilight, Rarity)

      Liar, Liar (ft. Twilight, Rarity) Cover
      by Monochromatic The unicorn duo sat across from each other, two glasses of flavored soda water in front of them. “Twilight Sparkle,” said Rarity, not a hint of compassion in her voice, “you are lying to me.” “I am not,” insisted Twilight. “It was great!” Rarity raised an eyebrow. “And you’ve done it again. More lying.” Twilight locked eyes with her marefriend. “Rarity. Please, I’m telling you. I liked it.” Rarity contemplated her for one, two, three seconds. Her horn glowed, and…
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      Family Therapy (ft. Celestia, Luna)

      Family Therapy (ft. Celestia, Luna) Cover
      by Monochromatic The pink pegasus Tranquil Heartmender was slowly becoming a prominent therapist in Canterlot. It wasn’t just because of her very affordable rate of one bit an hour, but mostly because she was very good at her job. Which made sense considering her actual name was Princess Luna and her actual job was essentially dream therapy. She just felt sometimes ponies needed to, well, actually be awake and remember her teachings to improve, and also she liked acting like a common pony. Currently, however, she…
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      A Pressing Question

      A Pressing Question Cover
      by Monochromatic As she made her way through the Everfree Forest, Rarity occupied her time mentally reviewing important events for the upcoming weeks. First, she had a few commission deadlines to complete, then there was that super-deluxe spa treatment next Thursday, and that was it. Wait, no, she thought, feeling a little embarrassed at forgetting. Father’s birthday is next week. I need to send him a present sometime before the weekend.  Her communication with her parents was rather scarce, to be…
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