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    252 Results in the "Chapters" category

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      II. The Examination

      II. The Examination Cover
      by Monochromatic Though Ambris knew how to use a computer, and in fact had been the one to insist the Canterlot library did all its filing and paperwork digitally, she couldn’t deny she preferred to do her first drafts with pen and paper. A computer felt impersonal, devoid of the author’s personality, while calligraphy had the author literally written all over it. “Cinder blinked, her heart racing at the sight of the ruins. They were…” Ambris’ murmurings drifted off, and she glanced at the list of…
      MLP:EQG • Slice of Life • Ambris Knot • Daring Do • OC
    • Chapter

      Chapter 1

      Chapter 1 Cover
      by Monochromatic “If your life was a book, what would it be about?” It was lucky that Ponyville’s streets were empty, or else Rarity wouldn't have heard Twilight’s voice. She’d barely slept the previous night, staying up until six in the morning working on an order for a client, so her drowsy mind still had trouble processing sounds. It certainly didn’t help that it was a particularly chilly morning, and her scarf was doing absolutely nothing to alleviate the cold. Twilight had stopped in front of a wall,…
      MLP:FiM • Romance • Slice of Life • Rainbow Dash • Rarity • Twilight
    • Chapter

      III. The Podcast and the Trip to Braysil

      III. The Podcast and the Trip to Braysil Cover
      by Monochromatic From behind her glasses, Ambris Knot squinted at her web-browser, sipping tea as she read the latest drama in the world of young adult novels. Her editor had advised her to get to know her would-be-peers, and though they had juicy gossip, it still paled in comparison with the outlandish drama she read about in the scientific community. Her reading was interrupted twice that afternoon: once by a child taking out seven books, and then asking what she recommended for an eighth book, which took much more…
      MLP:EQG • Slice of Life • Ambris Knot • Daring Do • OC
    • Chapter

      for the love of the craft

      for the love of the craft Cover
      by Monochromatic Ponies told her she was silly. She lived in Ponyville. A little town in the middle of nowhere, inhabited by simple folk who did not wear or care about clothes in the least. To try and sell clothes to them would be akin to trying to sell food to a rock. But she didn’t care, because she was a designer, and clothes were her medium. She’d had a few successful sales before—small ones, as she was not a very good designer back then—but it wasn’t about the money or the success or any such…
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