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    252 Results in the "Chapters" category

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      At The Edge Of The End

      At The Edge Of The End Cover
      by Monochromatic North Ridge typically wasn’t one to hesitate, but in this case, he couldn’t help it. From under the shade of a tree, he observed the nearby sleepy town of Willow’s Bend, for once bustling with life and activity. How could it not, after all, when it was their turn to know the truth that had lurked in Equestria’s shadows for millennia? And yet, he hesitated, even if all reason contended he would have found out the truth one way or another. It was simply inevitable that even if he’d never…
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      from ponyville

      from ponyville Cover
      by Monochromatic Art, in all its forms, was a deeply personal experience, Rarity found.  Twilight and she discussed the matter once as they talked about a book. The idea of whether one can separate the creator from what’s been created. There were some things they agreed one could do such a thing with, such as scientific matters, for example.  If one were to create a mathematical equation or theorem or something of the sort, no matter who they were or what their life experiences were, the result would…
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      clinging to life

      clinging to life Cover
      by Monochromatic people pleaservariants or less commonly people-pleaser |ˈpē-pəl-ˈplē-zər a person who has an emotional need to please others often at the expense of his or her own needs or desires Dear friend. I would like to tell you a story of a pony named Rarity. My name is not important, nor is my identity, but as the one telling the story, I can't pretend my influence won't be present. I will make observations here and there, and perhaps wax poetic at times, but my goal here is to present a…
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      remark Cover
      by Monochromatic Rarity was a fish in a small pond.  No one in Ponyville cared about clothes, not really. Sometimes they wore them, sure, especially for Seeking Night, but beyond that, she’d always known she was niche. She dreamed of making it in Manehattan or Canterlot one day, where more ponies cared for such things, and she’d be famous and great, but back then, all she wanted was to share.  And she was good at it, too, which is relevant but not to build her up or put anyone down.  It was just a fact,…
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      for the love of the craft

      for the love of the craft Cover
      by Monochromatic Ponies told her she was silly. She lived in Ponyville. A little town in the middle of nowhere, inhabited by simple folk who did not wear or care about clothes in the least. To try and sell clothes to them would be akin to trying to sell food to a rock. But she didn’t care, because she was a designer, and clothes were her medium. She’d had a few successful sales before—small ones, as she was not a very good designer back then—but it wasn’t about the money or the success or any such…
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      ~ Act I ~ 12 ~ The Professor’s Theory ~

      ~ Act I ~ 12 ~ The Professor’s Theory ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic Dreams were different for every pony. For some, it was terribly easy to figure out they were dreaming; for others, it felt like a reality where things weren’t quite right, but never wrong enough to alert them to something suspicious. Rarity was part of the latter group, always relishing her dreams as if they were reality. And yet, despite the fact that the scene unfolding before her couldn’t be anything but a dream, it certainly didn’t feel like one. It was as if she had been…
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      ~ Act I ~ 09 ~ The Shadow on the Wall ~

      ~ Act I ~ 09 ~ The Shadow on the Wall ~ Cover
      by Monochromatic “You’re sure that’s what she said she saw?” “Yes… But I’m certain she must have imagined it! A filly lost in the forest? She could have seen anything out of fright! It’s so dark in there!” “But, Rarity, how could she have mistaken you? If he’s following you, I—” “Twilight, think about it. If that was really the Spirit, why would he have led her to me and the library? It makes no sense.” “Rari—” “Twilight, please, you’re just worrying over…
    • Hi everyone! I was going to make a blogpost apologizing for not writing this year because this year was the worst of my life, and I had to basically spend a year doing the most brutal, hardest metaphorical spring cleaning I’ve ever done of my Entire Self. But then I realized, actually, I don’t want to do that, and instead I want to do…

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